Happy Christmas!

The end of the term is here! The children have all worked so hard this term that they deserve a holiday and time to spend with their families. They are very excited at the prospect of Santa’s visit although some are a little worried that they are on the naughty list!

Don’t forget that any children who complete the reading challenge (reading 10 books) will receive special recognition in assembly in January. I have also sent some maths home learning – quick mental recall of number facts. Keep practising those number facts – bonds to 10, 20, 100, times tables, odd and even numbers, halving and doubling, add the red baubles to the green baubles etc etc…!

Most of all enjoy some special family time and we hope that you have an amazing and blessed holiday. Thank you all so much for the generous Christmas gifts. God bless you all,

Mrs. Luter, Miss Allen, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs Hewitt and Mrs Wickes.