This week in school!
This week we have been creating our own superheroes. We have been using alliteration, expanded noun phrases and similes to describe them. Today we are going to begin to create instructions for our superheroes. We have also designed cars for them and are looking forward to building them soon making sure that we have working wheels attached by axles. Please bring in a box in preparation. (Cereal box size or similar.)
Miss Allen’s class have written emails to superheroes and are looking forward to replies!
Also today we will be finding out about some people in history who have inspired us. Ask the children who they have found out about! Please continue with home learning on this topic. Use the Bloom’s Triangle to give you some ideas.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Luter and Miss Allen
Super? Hero?
Today a rather sad ‘superhero’ came to visit us. She has lost all of her powers. Her super car no longer does anything super, her weapon is a flop and her theme tune has run dry! We have decided that she needs some help and will be designing and making a new car for her, writing a new theme tune and creating a new super weapon.
Watch this space to see how we get on!
We hope that you are enjoying finding out about learning heroes for home learning, we look forward to sharing your children’s learning.
Mrs. Luter and Miss Allen
Welcome Back!
We hope that you are enjoying your last day of the Summer holiday!
We are busy making the school ready for your return.
Hopefully we will see you all at our welcome meeting tomorrow at 4.30.
Attached is your learning for this half term – all linked to our new learning context ‘We Are Learning Heroes’. Click below to open.
See you tomorrow! Mrs. Luter and Miss Allen