Can you write a diary, pretending to be someone else? You could write as one of your favourite story characters. Remember to practise using time connectives, adverbs and adverbial phrases.
Can you tell the time to the nearest o’clock, half-past, quarter-past and quarter-to?
Perhaps you could write your diary as one of the disciples during the story of Pentecost? Remember to include the key skills above from our literacy lessons this week!
Miss Smillie’s Group- Practise the homophones: there/their, sea/see, our/are, where/were.
Miss Hele/ Mrs Wickes’ Group- Make your own alien words using the ue, ir and er digraphs. Which you find trickiest to remember? Test yourself and your family on the words you have made!
Miss Stinton’s Group- Make your own alien words using the phase 5 sounds which you find trickiest to remember. Test yourself and your family on the words you have made!
Finally, this week we have started our new topic ‘Exploring Science’. Please take a look at the new home learning pyramid in your learning adventure book and plan what you would like to do over the next few weeks.