Home Learning WB 27th April


What other nocturnal animals can you find out about? This will help you write facts in literacy and topic work.


Start with a 2 digit number e.g. 23. What happens if you add 10? What about if you take away 10? Could you add 20 to the number? What happens if you add another multiple of 10? Can you experiment with other 2 digit numbers?


How did other people remember the Easter story? Can you find more than one recount of the Easter story in the Bible? What is similar? What is different? Could you record the similarities and differences in your home learning book? Can you be creative in how you do this?


Please look at the next 200 high frequency words and practice any words you find tricky to spell. How could you remember how to spell them? Could you make up a song? Could you write the word down several times? What else could you do?

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