Home Learning – Half Term Inventor Challenge
Home Learning – Half Term
Next half term we will be starting our new and exciting topic ‘Exploring Science’! Through this topic we will be learning all about plants, flying machines, everyday materials, famous inventors and fair testing.
Over half term, you have the opportunity to invent and design something that will help an object to fall more slowly e.g. parachute.
After half term you will have the opportunity to pitch your invention, Dragon’s Den style!
Good luck!
Home Learning WB 4th May 2015
Home Learning
Write your own magic key story where a glowing key can take you on an adventure. Make sure you use lots of description, connectives and exciting sentence starters!
Practice these skills:
– Telling the time to the nearest hour, half hour and quarter of an hour.
– Can you find any 3D shapes around your house and name them? You also should be able to describe their properties (e.g. 12 edges and 8 vertices [points])
– Use a ruler to measure things in your kitchen. Can you read a set of weighing scales in grams and kilograms?
Write a character description about doubting Thomas. Describe what you think he looked like. What was he like? Write about how you know, using his behaviour.
Please carry on practising the next 200 high frequency words and practice any words you find tricky to spell. Remember, you should be able to spell correctly all the words you can read by sight.
Home Learning WB 27th April
What other nocturnal animals can you find out about? This will help you write facts in literacy and topic work.
Start with a 2 digit number e.g. 23. What happens if you add 10? What about if you take away 10? Could you add 20 to the number? What happens if you add another multiple of 10? Can you experiment with other 2 digit numbers?
How did other people remember the Easter story? Can you find more than one recount of the Easter story in the Bible? What is similar? What is different? Could you record the similarities and differences in your home learning book? Can you be creative in how you do this?
Please look at the next 200 high frequency words and practice any words you find tricky to spell. How could you remember how to spell them? Could you make up a song? Could you write the word down several times? What else could you do?