Owls Visit Year Twoo!
Year Two were so excited about the owl visit on Tuesday.
We were so impressed with the owl trainer, Jason, who knew so much about the owls.
We would definitely recommend a visit to Ringwood, where the owls live. They came from the Liberty’s Owl, Raptor and Reptile Centre.
Year Two did some incredible writing about owls following on from meeting the owls. I’m sure they have told you all about it!
Below are some photos of our special experience:
We had a lovely day at Staunton Country Park. We were so lucky to have such beautiful weather. Thank you to all the parent helpers who gave up their day to help, we couldn’t have done it without you!
I’m sure the children will tell you all about their day as they seemed to really enjoy it. They were very well behaved and mature; we were really proud of them.
Below are some photos from the day.
Welcome Back
We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. The children were very excited this morning and wrote wonderful recounts about their Easter adventures.
We can tell alot of you have been working hard to practise our key skills and would like to say a big thank you for your continued support. It really does make a huge difference.
Staunton Reminder
This Wednesday is our school trip to Staunton Country Park.
The weather forecast is set to be sunny and hot so please ensure children have the following:
* Sun cream (applied in the morning before school)
* Sun hat (if they are particularly sensitive to the sun)
* NO sunglasses please (they are very likely to get lost or broken)
* Trainers may be worn with school uniform
* If you have not requested a school lunch to be provided, please bring your lunch in a disposable bag
* All children need to bring a bottle of water (prefereably also disposable)
* NO fizzy or sugary drinks
* NO money is needed on the day as we will not be feeding the animals or visiting the shop
Elephant Class Tuned Percussion Concert
Thank you to everyone that was able to attend our tuned percussion concert. We thoroughly enjoyed showing off our new skills and teaching family and friends some songs.
We know not all parents could make it due to work commitments so below are some photos for you to see what we got up to.
Next term the focus of our music lessons will be singing. We are looking forward to a large year group performance at the end of the summer term.
Happy Easter!
Easter Home Learning
Easter Holidays
Please work on your targets from Parent’s Evening.
This may include:
- Times tables (2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4x)
- Number bonds, number doubles, number halves
- The four operations (+ – x ÷) on a numberline
- Telling the time
- 3D shape names and properties
- Noun phrases (dangerous, scary predator)
- Spelling the first 200 high frequency words
- Using different connectives (but, so, because, if, while, when, however, although)
- Practise handwriting and joining letters
- Make sure you read something every day.