Thank you and well done to all the children who have sent in some very impressive home learning models, stories, timelines and posters. You have shown excellent commitment to learning at home!
Think about what you could do at home to earn pennies and change to donate to a charity this Lent time.
Please practice these topic words to use in our literacy writing:
modern, past, Tudor, Victorian, nowadays, century, present
Perhaps you could find some more words to practice which you have found difficult spelling during this project.
Practice number bonds to 10 (e.g. 5+5=10), 20 (e.g. 15+5=20) and 100 (e.g. 15+85=100). Encourage children to use their number bonds to 10 to solve number sentences like 24+16= (if I know 4+6=10 then I should be able to solve ‘24+16=’ by adding the tens and using my number bonds to add the units.
Bug Club, Abacus