Home Learning WB: 12th January 2015

Literacy: I could write a character description of my favourite story character. Remember to use adjectives, noun phrases and a simile!

Numeracy: I could practice paying and giving change using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p coins. What coins could I use to make 39p?

RE: I could find out more about Baptism and what happens when people are baptised.



Miss Simllie’s Phonics Group – Write some sentences that change past tense verbs to present tense e.g. Yesterday I ate an egg sandwich and today I am eating an egg sandwich.

Miss Hele’s Phonics Group- Practice using words with the ‘ow’ sound in sentences – ‘ow’. ‘ough’, ‘ou’.

Mrs Wickes’ Phonics Group- Practice using words with the ‘ai’ sound in sentences – ‘ai’, ‘ay’, ‘eigh’, ‘a_e’, ‘a’.

Miss Stinton’s Phonics Group- Find words where the letter ‘i’ is pronounced differently like ‘tin’ or ‘blind’.

Bug Club, Abacus

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