Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a lovely half-term.

This half term we will be carrying on with our Titanic topic for a few more weeks and then spend a few weeks looking at fairytales before Christmas.

This week we started learning about writing diaries.

We found a diary, written by Samson the mouse, in our classroom. He had left a trail of crumbs which we noticed on Tuesday! He came to visit us yesterday and he was very angry about us reading his diary. We explained to him it was only to learn about the features of a diary so that we can write one of our own.

In numeracy we learnt all about telling the time this week. We learnt that the minute hand was the longer hand and the hour hand was the short hand. We learnt to read o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We also learnt how to draw the hands on the clock faces, being careful to draw the minute hand very accurately for half past, quarter past and quarter to. Some of us also started looking at telling the time to the nearest five minutes, although we found that ‘to’ was much more difficult than ‘past’. Telling the time at home as part of your everyday routine will really help to embed this understanding as telling the time is one of those skills which children either pick up very quickly or that takes a long time for them to become confident in.

Next week we will be learning about fractions including half, third, quarter  and fifth. We will be learning about how we record a fraction and how to find a fraction of a number. If you are eating pizza, pie or cake this weekend, you could discuss how to cut it into halves, quarters and thirds!

In RE this week we learnt all about Saint Martin. We hope year two can tell you all about him now and how they can learn how to be generous, helpful, peaceful and kind from his actions.

Next week we will be focussing on Remembrance so please talk to your children about Rememberance Day and why it is such a special and thoughtful day.



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