Home Learning and Next Week’s Learning

Our Year 2 home learning this week is:


My Maths

Bug Club

Miss Smillie:

Practice spelling the next 100 high frequency words that you have been given in class this week.

Miss Stinton:

Write sentences using the tricky words – looked, called and asked.

Mrs Wickes and Miss Hele:

Write sentences using the tricky words- little, one, do, what, when, out


Next week we will be learning about:

In numeracy we will be learning how to tell the time.

You can prepare for this be practising counting in 5s around an analogue clock and start to look at O’clock and half past times.

In literacy we will be starting our diary writing unit. We plan to keep diaries of our daily routines, thoughts and feelings. Perhaps you could keep a diary over the half term?!

In RE will be learning about St. Martin. You could research his life and find out why he became a Saint.


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