Nurse visit

This week the children have been showing an interest in looking after one another and playing doctors. We decided to ask a nurse to come in and talk to the children about her job. The children had lots of their own experiences to share, of them being seen by a nurse or going to the hospital. The children loved having a go with the medical equipment, they were able to try out a pulse monitor, stethoscope, thermometer and bandages!

The children have spent the rest of the week recreating doctors surgeries in their play.


Policeman Visit

This week we have been lucky enough to have a policeman visit our children. They were able to learn more about what the police do for their role. The children were excited to tell him all about what crimes had been occurring in our classrooms and he then told them what the police have to do to investigate crimes such as those. They looked at all the equipment policeman have to carry and went inside the police van.

The children then put this all into role in their play as they made their own police hats, handcuffs, took each others fingerprints and even questioned one another on whether they had created the mess in our classroom.

We also had a visit to Waterlooville Library where the children were introduced to how to find books around the library and enjoyed listening to some stories. A huge thank you to all the parents/grandparents that helped out with walking there. Very much appreciated to ensure our trip was able to go ahead.

We have also been learning about the number 7- how to make it and one more and one less than 7. Please practise this with your child at home. Any learning will be great to see on Tapestry.

Please continue to practise the Super 6 words with your child as well as all the phase 2 sounds encouraging your child to make cvc words for example cat.

Hope you have a restful weekend.

From the Year R team.

Police Investigators

The children were shocked when they came into the classrooms on Monday morning to find someone had come in and made a mess! The children noticed police tape, finger prints and footprints. They all wanted to get into role as police detectives to try and find clues around the classroom which would help them to identify who it was. They made their own police hats, ID badges and wanted posters.

During phonics the children have been learning the sounds l, ll and ss. Please continue to practise these at home along with their super 6 words. Some children have been given new words so please check their envelopes.

The children also listened to firework poems written by the Year 3 children. Here are some photos of them sharing their work with our Year Rs.


We hope you have a great weekend.

From the Year R team.

Remembrance Day

This week the children have begun looking at number 6. They have thought about that it is made up of 5 plus 1 more as well as recognising what it looks like on a dice.

They have learnt the sounds h, b, f and ff in their phonics this week and thought about what words start with each of the sounds.

We also focused on learning about Remembrance Day. The children were told that it is a day we remember all the soldiers who fought for us in the war and that we wear poppies as a sign to show this. They then created their own poppies, medals and soldier armour during their discovery time.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Year R team.

Creative fun in Year R!

This week in maths we have been focusing on number 3 and 4. The children have been detectives looking around the classrooms for things that show these numbers and then labelling them. The children also chose to create garages and farms using boxes. They selected the correct tools to cut and stick to make their creations.



The children have also enjoyed making pirate and party hats as part of their interests this week.

The children have also had the opportunity to make their own smoothies! They challenged their physical development by practising their grating, cutting and mashing skills. It wasn’t all hard work though as they got to drink their smoothie creations after!

During half term please encourage your children to continue counting at home and around the shops as well as practising their flash cards.

We hope you all have a wonderful half term.
From the Year R team.

The number 2!

This week we have been focusing on the number 2 during our discovery time. The children have been finding two objects and then writing the number two. They have also been able to show that 1 add another 1 makes 2!

The children have also been applying their phonics knowledge within their play. They have been identifying the initial sounds of objects.

Please continue to practice the sounds which we send home weekly encouraging children to put sounds together to make their own words to then read.

Our focus for the coming week in maths is the number 3 and then moving onto number 4. Please encourage your children to be counting at home particularity when you’re out in the shops buying items.

From the Year R team.

Our learning this week!

This week the children have continued to focus on Stick Man. They have learnt about healthy eating and the importance of it. The children then created their own Stick Men using bread sticks, raisins and icing to then enjoy for their own snack.

During mathematics, the children have been measuring the height of Stick Man using blocks. They have been counting how many bricks tall each stick is and using language including: shortest and tallest to compare the heights between different Stick Men.

The children have learnt the following sounds over the past week and a half: s, a, t, p, i, n


Please practice these sounds daily with your children to support them with their understanding. It would also benefit your children if you encourage them to blend sounds at home as they are learning to do so in school. The dots underneath each letter are what we call ‘sound buttons’. The children are taught to point to each letter and say the sound aloud and then move onto blending the sounds to be able to read the word. For example:


We hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

From the year R team.

Stick Man!

The children have really enjoyed listening to the story ‘Stick Man’ this week. We have retold the story in a sequence using the vocabulary ‘first, second, next, last.’

In maths we have been ordering stick men from tallest to shortest using this key vocabulary to describe their heights. The children then incorporated this into their discovery where they were building towers with their friends and compared whose was taller or the tallest.

In phonics we have started to learn the sounds s,a,t,p,i,n. The children have been listening to the sounds, repeating them and practising the letter formation.

Please continue to practise the sounds with your children as they are sent home each week.


From the year r team.

Fantastic Week!

The children have really enjoyed their first full week in school. They have been adapting so well to our routines as well as following our classroom rules whilst learning independently.

Our story focus this week has been The Gruffalo.

We followed a trail of footprints which led us to the book which was left by who we thought was the Gruffalo! The children have been retelling the story by drawing pictures, acting out the story using props as well as painting scenes from the story.

In Maths we have been practising recognising numbers 1-5 and then counting objects to match the numerals. Some children have even been able to count up to 10!


In phonics we have been listening to sounds and copying them by making the noises with our mouths as well as on our bodies. We also tried to copy patterns.

Please encourage the children to continue counting at home particularly with food items when shopping.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

From the year R team.

Our First Week in School!

We’d like to wish you all a very warm welcome to St Peter’s School.

All the children have settled into school life so well in the first few days of starting Reception. They have got stuck in with counting, drawing self portraits, mixing colours, building with the blocks and practising to write their names among many other things.


In your child’s bag you will find the newsletter for this week. Please have a look at it as it will contain lots of important messages.

Remember you are more than welcome to come and speak to the teachers at the gate before and after school about any questions you may have.

We hope you have a restful weekend with your children ready for them to start full time on Monday!


The Early Years Team: Mrs Conlon, Miss Deacon, Mrs King, Mrs Aquilina, Mrs Grout, Mrs Pearson and Mrs Hunt.