Monthly Archives: March, 2023

Spring 1 week 6

We can’t quite believe it’s the end of another half term, and we will be going in to the Summer term after the Easter break. Although it doesn’t seem possible, it has been a long and busy half term for the children (and adults!) so we are all in need of a good rest. We remain hopefully that they grey wet weather is on its way out for more sunshine and dry days.

This week the children have been busy learning about Holy week and the journey Jesus went on leading up to his crucifixion. We took part in Stations of the Cross on Tuesday with year 1 and 2 and the children listened and sat beautifully during the Liturgy where some Year 5 and 6 pupils brought the story to life by acting it out. This afternoon we will joining the whole school in a special Liturgical assembly as we remember the real reason we celebrate Easter.

In Maths, the children have been learning about 3D shapes (sphere, cylinder, cuboid, cube and cone) and looking at the basic properties as well as looking at real life objects that are these shapes.

We have also been busy making Easter cards where we have focussed on cutting skills and adding a split pin to make a moving part.



Kind regards,
Mrs Lockwood-Peck & Miss Andrews