Author Archive: yearr

Superhero day!

What a fantastic day to kick off our new topic ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ which is all about heroes. The children have loved reading our new story ‘Supertato’ and designing their own Super Vegetable! We also had evil pea making, superhero obstacle courses, super hero challenges and lots more

Last week of term!

WOW! What a fantastic term it has been. We can’t believe how well the children have settled here at St Peter’s. From walking in on their first day not knowing their teachers or classmates to now having close friendships with others and knowing all the classroom routines. We are SO incredibly proud of them all.

This week has been a super exciting week, full of festivities and fun! We watched a pantomime, had Christmas dinner all together, walked to the post box to send our letter to Father Christmas, created lots of craft and lots more!

Santa Dash

Today we got in the Christmas spirit and went on a fun run/walk around the school grounds whilst listening to some Christmas music and singing along. We even saw the Grinch!

The Three Little Pigs

This week in YR we have been learning all about The Three Little Pigs. We made class story maps and learnt actions to help us retell the story. We then completed some fun and engaging activities such as, testing materials/objects to see what would be suitable to make a house with, art and crafts, writing captions/labels using the sounds we have learnt so far and lots more!

Firework fun!

This week we have been celebrating firework night. We have been creating lots of colourful art work and writing some words to describe them.

Well done everyone!

Bread making.

The children have been reading ‘The Little Red Hen’ this week and learning all about Harvest. The children have been making their own bread and then enjoyed eating it during their snack time!

First full week at St Peter’s

What a busy week we have had! The children have settled tremendously well and are beginning to understand the classroom routines. This week in Seahorse and Starfish Class the children have been busy making friends and exploring their new classroom environments. Well done everyone!

IOW trip

What a special trip! The Year R children had a fantastic day in the Isle Of Wight to finish off our beach topic. We cleaned the beach, went on a scavenger hunt and even had an ice lolly as a special treat!

Summer 2 Week 4

What a week! We have had such a lovely week exploring outside and enjoying the summer sunshine. The children have been busy making mud pies, problem solving in the water area and exploring a range of learning around the story ‘Lucy and Tom at the Seaside’. We have been learning doubles in maths and the children have blown us away with their quick understanding of these numbers.

YR Sports day fun!