The last 2 weeks of term

We have had such an eventful last few weeks!

We had a visit from a drama company… they took us on an adventure to Australia, we met many of the wildlife there and had to hide from a cheeky crocodile who didn’t like children! The children had a fantastic time.

On Thursday 6th February the children dressed up as their favourite animal to raise money for The Stubbington Ark. We managed to raise £71.00 and met the fundraising manger at the Ark who showed her appreciation for what the money could do to support them on looking after unwanted animals.

Finally, on STEM day the children got to explore the changes that happen when we make biscuits and how all the ingredients combine to make dough and then to an actual biscuit when it is cooked in the oven. The children really enjoyed the process of making biscuits, we are sure the enjoyed eating them after too!