Monthly Archives: October, 2020

Pumpkin fun!

This week in year R we have been reading the story Pumpkin Soup. The children have then enjoyed writing their own pumpkin soup recipes using some of the sounds we have taught already including s,a,t,p,i,n. In the mud kitchen the children had a wonderful experience making pumpkin soup with real pumpkins. They sliced, scooped and stirred their soup. This vocabulary has been a key focus this week.
We also talked about Harvest festivals this week and the children enjoyed making their own scarecrow together.
Here are some pictures of their fantastic learning:
The children also printed with carrots and apples to make pumpkin pictures.

We have also been talking about Seasons and in particular signs of autumn. We have discussed what we would see in each of the different seasons outside, what the weather is like and what clothing we would need to wear. The children enjoyed drawing their own pictures and writing about what their favourite season is and why.

Here are some examples of the children’s work:

In maths we have continued with counting and recognising numbers to 10. The children engaged with an interactive game where they had to count the sea animals on the screen and then select the correct number to match the amount.
Here are some photos of the children:

We also focused on Black History Month with the children. We looked at pictures of Martin Luther King and talked about how he taught us that we must include everyone no matter what our differences our. The children then thought about what makes them special and unique. Here are some pictures of the learning:

This week we also said farewell to Mrs King. She has been a wonderful member of the Early Years team. All the children and staff will miss her a lot! We wish her all the best with her future in Spain.

We hope you all have a wonderful half term break.
From the Early Years Team.

Our learning for this week

This week the children have enjoyed listening to the story “What makes a rainbow?“. They have talked about how a rainbow is made and what their favourite colour is. The children made their own rainbows out of paper, by drawing and by painting.
Here are some photos to show our learning:

The children have also really enjoyed constructing with a variety of resources. They used their imaginations and worked collaboratively to create robots, marble runs and lighthouses.

Here are some of their creations:

The children were fascinated by the skittles science experiment which we shared with them. They discussed what they thought would happen when we added the water and then what happened after and why.
Here are some photos of the rainbow it created:

We have also started learning phase 2 in phonics. The sounds we have learnt so far are s, a, t and p. Encourage your child to do a sound bunt around the home looking for objects that start with the sounds they now know.

In maths we have focused on the number 8 and 9 making the amount in different ways and recognising the numeral.
Here are some photos from this learning:

Please remember to check Tapestry for updates on your child’s learning throughout the week and ways in which you can support at home.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Early Years team.

Learning for this week!

In literacy this week we have been reading the story Mixed. The children have then been drawing pictures of themselves and writing to show what they are good at. This has helped us to think about the importance of everyone having different strengths but it still means we can all be friends together.
Here is some examples of the work the children have created:

In maths we have focused on learning number 6 and 7. The children have enjoyed making their own Numberblocks characters to show different amounts.
Here is some examples of the work the children have created:

In phonics we have been listening to the initial sounds in words. Some of the children have been looking for objects in the environment and saying the initial sounds and some children have been writing the sounds they hear at the start of words when they look at pictures.
Here is some of the learning they have done this week:

The children have also really enjoyed mixing colours during discovery time. Here are some examples of their creations:

Please continue to check Tapestry for the home learning which we put up each week to support your child at home.
Have a lovely weekend.

From the Early Years Team