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It’s the final countdown…

Its the final full week and the children have been working hard!

For literacy this week we wrote to the new Year R children about how we need to look after the toys in early years and what their favourite toys are. We had some lovely writing and it has been a great insight as to what the children have enjoyed  playing with this year.

In Maths we looked at subtraction on a number line! Children quickly grasped this concept and were making up subtraction number sentences of their own.

It is amazing to see how far these children have progressed and what a massive achievement for them to be able to read, write and make their own number sentences!

We break up for the summer on Tuesday 23rd July at the normal time of 3.15pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Early Years Team

What a week!

The children had a super busy week: we had a visitor, went on a trip to Oaklands chapel and the children had a whole day in their new class for next year!

For maths we looked at counting in two’s. The children’s challenge was to build a tower and count how many blocks tall it was in 2’s! They loved the challenge and many built towers that were 12-18 cubes tall!

In literacy, thanks to our police officer who visited, the children wrote a caption about a police scenario.

On Wednesday we visited Oaklands chapel and Miss Keogh helped us to re-enact as baptism as we are learning about the Sacraments. The children had great fun taking part. Thank you Miss Keogh!

Mrs White even bought in the dress that her children were baptised in, she hopes that they will use it for their children one day too! It’s beautiful and was once her wedding dress!

To draw the week to a close we had a visit from a police officer. A massive thank you to him – the children really enjoyed it!

New growth

A week of firsts so far this week. 

Yesterday the Year Rs had their very first sports day! They enjoyed the day, and we even had some winners! Well done, we are proud of you!

As well as sports day, the magic beans that we grew back in the spring term have been busy blooming and growing and today… we noticed our first broad bean! We will let it grow a bit more before the children can taste them!

The children have their first transition morning on Friday the 5th, we are sure that they will have a great time with their new teachers!

This week in maths we have been thinking about capacity and thinking about which containers hold more . In literacy we have been thinking about the emergency services and the number we call if you need help in an emergency. The children were particularly interested in police officers, so we have been learning about their job and we even have a police officer come to talk to us about his job next week!

The Sacraments have started this week, we ask that you bring in pictures of baptism and marriage, 2 of the 7 scarements, to share with the class and add to our display.

Dates for your diary:

8th July – transition

12th July – transition

17th July – school reports issued

23rd July – Last day of school

The sun is out!

What a lovely week we have had weather wise! The children have enjoyed spending their discovery time outside.

On Monday we learnt about the emergency services and the number you call if you need help! The children then went outside and put out their own chalk fires and freed trapped teddies in their police cars!

We had a visit from a midwife who told us about she helps a Mummy when they have a baby in their tummy. The children enjoyed looking at the models of the tiny babies.

What a busy week we have had!


Dates for your diary:

TONIGHT – St. Peters Summerfest

1st July – Sports day

12th July – whole school transition day

23rd July – Last day of summer term

People who help us

Another wet few weeks, but made better by all the visitors that have been in to see us! We have had visits from the dentist and a nurse. We have learnt lots of new things about how we can keep healthy and look after ourselves. Here are a few pictures of us learning with our visitors.

It was sad that our sports day got called off because of the rain, but a new date has been put in the diary for 1st July, the children are looking forward to it! We hope to see you then.

On Friday the children partook in the school’s Countries Carnival where they showed off their knowledge on their chosen country. We had such fun!

Dates for the diary:

25th June – Liturgy

18th June – St Peter’s Summer Feast

1st July – Sports Day

2nd July – Whole school Mass

The first week back

Welcome back to a very busy first week!

On the first day back the children had the opportunity to release the final butterfly out of our butterfly net and into the wild. They were amazed how it had gone from caterpillar, cocoon and then butterfly. They were so excited when it flew off into the sky!

We then told the children that we were going to be taking a plane to Mexico and they had to make passports, low and behold we had quite a few children jump up and make the passports and buy their tickets for the flight! To give the children a flavour of what it is like in Mexico we had one of the Mum’s come in and talk to the children about her home county, Mexico. The children loved dressing up and dancing to the native music of Mexico!

On Friday we had our trip to Mexico, it was a very noisy flight! We were lucky enough to have an actual member of a cabin crew join us for the morning when spoke us through the safety instructions for the flights and shared with the children what it was like to work on a real plane! Once we landed in Mexico the children had the opourtvitybti try some Mexican food! Let’s just say the tortilla chips and dip went down a treat!

It has been a fantastic week back, we have another great one planned for next week. Have a lovely weekend.

Important dates:

• Father’s Day Sale – 13th June

• Sports day  – 14th June

• Book looks – 17th & 18th June

Giants & Chicks!

What an exciting week we had last week! The sun even came out for a little bit and we were graced with dry afternoons to spend in our outdoor area!

We started Monday morning as detectives as we had read a news report that stated that a Giant was on the loose! It was the children’s’ mission to write a wanted poster and then to make a trap to lure in the Giant so he could be caught! The children loved it!

For maths we looked at a new concept, doubling. The children enjoyed doubling the Jack’s bean seeds!

We have been looking at our growing beanstalks and one is about to reach the Giant’s castle! We will be planting them next week and will continue to watch their rapid growth. Hopefully we will see some beans soon… maybe we could even try some!

Finally we have spotted that a Blue Tit is nesting in our outdoor area in a nest box! The children have been excitedly watching it fly to and from box bringing its chicks food. Miss Deacon even set up a bird feeder to help the Mummy and Daddy chick source some yummy suet balls. We will keep a close eye on the box and hope to see little chick heads popping out of the hole when they are ready to fly.

Welcome back

The summer term has begun and with it we have started our growth topic! Over this half term the children will be planting a variety of seeds and watching them grow.

We have new role play areas in each classroom: a garden centre and a flower shop. Children have had great fun planting seeds and buying flowers in their discovery time!

As the days get sunnier and warmer we hope to be outside a lot more and giving our outdoor area a bit of TLC by tidying and planting some summer flowers and plants.

In Maths, so far, we have looked at days of the week, seasons and halving. This week we will be looking at doubling. Can children recognize a double in objects and numbers?

In English we have been looking at instructions on how to plant a seed and few of us have had a go at writing instructions ourselves! This week we will be looking adjectives and using them to describe the Giant from Jack and the beanstalk.

We had a busy start to the week and had our school trip to QE country park, the children enjoyed themselves and go to go on a Double Decker coach! The children had so much fun that a few fell asleep on the way home on the coach!

Next week we look forward to continuing tidying up our outdoor area and observing our caterpillars for any changes!

What a busy term it will be!

It’s Easter

Easter is finally upon us, we hope that the families from early years have a relaxing and well deserved break.

The Spring term has been full of excitement and special visitors for the children. They have worked super hard, really showing us how they can use their phonics and number skills.

In the last week of term Miss Keogh visited us for Stations of the cross. She told us that Jesus visited stations on his journey to be crucified.  The children were surprised by the journey Jesus took to be crucified and full of awe that he died for us. To remember the journey that Jesus took we made twig crosses, which are now displayed in school Reception.

Parents and carers also joined us for a learning journal meet and share. Children told their family members about their favourite moments and what they were most proud of.

On the last day of term children had an Easter craft day! They made chocolate nests, cards and baskets to collect their Easter eggs in. Seahorses even had an Easter egg hunt!

We wish you a Happy Easter and will see you on 23rd April when school returns.

New arrivals!

Last week we saw the arrival of 12 chicken eggs. It caused great excitement, yet the children were very respectful and careful with the precious load! After discussing what the children thought were in the eggs we looked at the growth of the chick inside the egg, using a range of non-fiction texts. The children then spent shifts looking at the eggs for signs of cracks in anticipation that the eggs would hatch! It didn’t take long though as our first chick hatched early Tuesday morning. Needless to say the children were practically running through the door to see the new member of Early Years! By the end of the week we had a total of 6 chicks. The children have loved having them in school.

We had a drama workshop visit us on Friday and taught us how to be eco friendly superheroes: reduce, reuse & recycle was their motto! They now know how to save the planet from the Bad Bopper!

In maths they explored length and spent their morning looking for things to measure and using language such as longer and shorter.

In literacy the chicks were the main motivation to write! We had children writing about what they could see (eggs and chicks!), how they should behave around the chicks and eggs and the life cycle of a chicken.

Dates for your Diary:

  • Wear it wacky day for CAFOD – Monday 1st April
  • Parent drop in to share children’s journals – Tuesday 2nd April
  • Inset day – Friday 5th April
  • Easter holidays – Monday 8th – Tuesday 23rd April