A week of firsts so far this week.
Yesterday the Year Rs had their very first sports day! They enjoyed the day, and we even had some winners! Well done, we are proud of you!
As well as sports day, the magic beans that we grew back in the spring term have been busy blooming and growing and today… we noticed our first broad bean! We will let it grow a bit more before the children can taste them!
The children have their first transition morning on Friday the 5th, we are sure that they will have a great time with their new teachers!
This week in maths we have been thinking about capacity and thinking about which containers hold more . In literacy we have been thinking about the emergency services and the number we call if you need help in an emergency. The children were particularly interested in police officers, so we have been learning about their job and we even have a police officer come to talk to us about his job next week!
The Sacraments have started this week, we ask that you bring in pictures of baptism and marriage, 2 of the 7 scarements, to share with the class and add to our display.
Dates for your diary:
8th July – transition
12th July – transition
17th July – school reports issued
23rd July – Last day of school