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World Book Day

The children had a fantastic day dressing up as a character from their favourite book and getting involved in lots of activities based around the books they love.

The children made their own Gruffalo crumble, potions from Room on the Broom, wrote their own books, re told stories as well as writing about their favourite book to share with a friend.

In the afternoon Year 1 joined us to share their favourite story with our Year R children.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Year R team.

Welcome back after half term!

The children have settled straight back into their excellent learning this week.

We have started our new topic which is animals. We began by introducing the book Dear Zoo. We then told the children the very sad news that Mr Cunningham does not want any animals to visit the school. So the children decided to write letters to him to try and convince him to let us! Children asked for cats, dogs, rabbits and chicks. Hopefully we can persuade him and have some visitors soon!

The children have also begun to learn about the different types of habitats of animals and why they like to live in particular environments. We went on a very muddy welly walk to go and collect lots of different natural objects to make our own habitats in the classroom.

On Ash Wednesday the children had a small service in our classrooms led by Mr Cunningham and Miss Keogh where the children received ashes on their foreheads and said a prayer. The children then reenacted this during their discovery time thinking about the meaning of the service.


In maths we have been focusing on positional language. When playing with your children at home please could you encourage them to use words such as on top, next to, in between, under and inside to describe the positions of different objects.

Have a lovely weekend

From the year R team.

The last 2 weeks of term

We have had such an eventful last few weeks!

We had a visit from a drama company… they took us on an adventure to Australia, we met many of the wildlife there and had to hide from a cheeky crocodile who didn’t like children! The children had a fantastic time.

On Thursday 6th February the children dressed up as their favourite animal to raise money for The Stubbington Ark. We managed to raise £71.00 and met the fundraising manger at the Ark who showed her appreciation for what the money could do to support them on looking after unwanted animals.

Finally, on STEM day the children got to explore the changes that happen when we make biscuits and how all the ingredients combine to make dough and then to an actual biscuit when it is cooked in the oven. The children really enjoyed the process of making biscuits, we are sure the enjoyed eating them after too!

Our outdoor learning this week!

Our book focus this week has been Norman The Slug with the Silly Shell. The children have been designing new shells for Norman using repeating patterns, they have made parachutes for him and even boats out of different materials and tested to see if they float.

The children have continued to show great enthusiasm for our mini beast topic. They have been outside digging in the mud to find the bugs on the bug hunt tick sheet we provided for them. The children have been talking about the types of habitats the worms live in and why they live there.



We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

From the year R team.



Chinese New Year

Today we learnt all about Chinese New Year. We loved watching the dragon dances and were amazed by how many different colours are in the Chinese New Year Parade. We know that 2020 is the Year of the Rat and understand that there are 12 animals that each have a year named after them as they were the ones to successfully and quick cross the river.

We had great fun learning all about Chinese New Year, here are some photos of us!

Our Kindness Liturgy!

Thank you to all the families that joined us in celebrating our liturgy. The children did exceptionally well at remembering their lines, actions and all the words to the songs.

Here are some photos of the children acting out the story of The Good Samaritan as well as the children sharing what they do to show kindness.


We hope you all have a great week.

From the year R team.

Our learning this week!

This week we have enjoyed measuring amounts. We talked about full, half full, nearly empty and empty. The children then explored this in their discovery time using this language.

The children have also been retelling parts of the Superworm story by looking at a picture and writing a caption.

Please continue to read with your children at home. Their books will be changed next week during their phonics lessons.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Year R team.

Welcome back to Spring Term!

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. The children have settled back into routine so well and have been working so hard.

We have started our Mini beasts topic by looking at the book Superworm. The children have enjoyed writing ‘wow words’ to describe the bugs in the story as well as designing their own bug and giving it a name.

In maths we have been looking at comparing amounts by saying which has ‘fewer’ which has ‘more’. The children have been able to use this language during discovery time and explain what it means. Please carry on this at home perhaps when doing the shopping looking at different bags of fruit or veg.

The children have also started in their new phonics groups. They have been given a book suitable for their reading ability and the sounds they are currently focusing on. If your child receives a book that they have already had please continue to read the book as it will build on their fluency.

Our year group liturgy is on Tuesday 21st January at 10.30am in the school hall. All families are welcome to join.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the year R team.


This week we have continued to look at what Advent is all about and why we celebrate it. The children chose to make their own Advent candles to put onto our prayer tables.

We have also been having looking at numberless word problems. The children have been looking at an amount of objects and talking about what they see. For example a box of 8 baubles the children have been telling us “I can see 7 baubles plus another bauble that makes 8.” “I can see 2 shiny baubles, 2 red baubles and 2 sparkly baubles that makes 6.”

We have also been recapping the phase 2 sounds and making CVC words in writing as well as practising reading CVC words. Please continue to practise this at home.

Have a lovely weekend

From the Year R team.

Our Nativity!

Huge well done to all the Year R children on their nativity performances. They did exceptionally well at remembering their lines, singing the songs with actions and all the acting they had to do on stage. We are all very proud of them. Thank you to all the families that came and supported them; the children were so pleased to see you all.

For their writing this week, the children have enjoyed writing letters to Santa. They then had a visit from a postwoman who promised to deliver the letters to Santa in the North Pole. All the children are hoping for a reply letter from him!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

From the Year R team.