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Friday 19th March 2021

Well done everyone for another successful week!

The children have been very busy learning all about addition and subtraction. We have been trying really hard to work systematically to find all the possible answers to a problem. We have spent the week reminding ourselves about how to use all the different maths equipment that we have in school; numicon, beadstrings, counters and diennes. We have been encouraging the children to think very carefully about their presentation and formation of numbers.

In English we have created the missing pages from our story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. The children have painted their own settings using watercolours, generated their own adjectives and written the accompanying sounds and actions. We have been blown away by their creativity and originality.

This Friday we have spent the day learning Geography skills. We have explored which physical and human features can be found in the countryside and which are more likely to be found in towns and cities. We then created 3D maps and some of us got to practice our directional language to navigate around them.

Have a fantastic weekend.


Year 1 Team

Friday 12th March 2021

Welcome back, everyone! It has been so lovely to have you all back with us. We are so thrilled with the positive learning behaviours that each child in Year One has shown over the week.

This week we have been extremely busy learning and performing ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,’ by Michael Rosen. You can watch his performance which inspired us here… We suddenly realised today that some of the pages are missing from our copy of the book and so next week we will be planning and writing them.

In Maths, we’ve been practising counting all the way up to 100. We’ve used our knowledge of place value to solve tricky missing number problems. Perhaps you can play, ‘I’m thinking of a number…’ with your families. For example, I’m thinking of a number that is greater than twenty but less than thirty. It is even. What could it be? Another great activity to reinforce place value is Snakes and Ladders.

Thank you to those who have brought in their puppet to share with us. We’ve had great fun looking at them in class this week and it was great to feel your support at our Puppet Parades on Monday and Thursday.

Have a wonderful (albeit wet and windy!) weekend. Take care,

Team One.



Monday 1st March 2021 – Home Learning

What a glorious weekend! We hope you enjoyed the sunshine as much as we did!?

Here is your final week of Home Learning to enjoy with your wonderful grown ups at home…

English Maths Phonics RE Science

Topic is a roll-over! The hand-puppet project from last week will keep you busy for this week too and possibly beyond… Topic

Here are this week’s Worship links – Worship.

We’re looking forward to having you all back at school with us very soon… Take care, everyone.

Team One.

Monday 22nd February 2021

Hello to all our Pufferfish and Turtles 🙂

We hope you had a great half term and welcome you back to school for the second half of the Spring Term! Have you spotted some of the daffodils popping up and the leaf buds beginning to show on the trees?

Here is our learning for this week…

RE Science Topic Phonics Music Maths English Topic Science

We hope you enjoy it. Please contact your Class Teacher via Teams if you have any questions. Thanks!

Team One.

Home Learning – Monday 8th February 2021

Happy Friday everyone! Are you crossing your fingers and toes for snow this weekend, like us!?

Monday is Safer Internet Day and there is an exciting escape room experience planned for the children in the afternoon via Teams (link in the following document). Computing – Safer Internet Day 2021  Here are some alternative activities for those whom an escape room is not appropriate… KS1 Safer Internet Day Alternative Tasks Please note there will be no class/year group Teams meeting on Monday afternoon. 

Here is next week’s English, Maths and Phonics learning for you to prioritise…

Phonics 080221 



And here are the Foundation subjects for you to have a go at should you be able to…

PE activities at home

RE – Revelations



Have a restful, wrapped-up, wonderful weekend everyone 🙂

Team One.


Home Learning – Monday 1st February

Hi everyone,

Here is this week’s Home Learning.

English Maths Music PE Phonics 010221 RE – Revelations Science Topic

Thank you all for your continued efforts and patience as we adapt to this new learning style! Thank you also to those of you who joined us on our new *joint* Year 1 Teams meetings today. Hoping to see more of you tomorrow 🙂

The Year One Team.

Phonics Resources – Monday 25th January 2021

Here are the OPTIONAL phonics worksheets corresponding to the Letters and Sounds Youtube videos assigned via Teams.

Mrs Layton’s Group:

Monday – GL– oi Tuesday —GL— ear Wednesday –GL– ear and air   Friday —GL—er

Mrs Atkins’s Group:

Monday — LA—-st adjacent consonants Tuesday—LA— nd adjacent consonants Wednesday—LA—-mp adjacent consonants  Thursday– LA — nt adjacent consonants Friday —LA—nk and ng adjacent consonants

Ms Webster’s Group:

Thursday —RW—long e PAGE 1 ONLY  Friday —-RW—-I Spy and Read Activity – Phase 4 Set 2

Mrs Walls’s Group:

Monday —SW– e-e Tuesday —-SW—-igh family Wednesday —SW—ai family Thurday—-SW— oa family Friday —-SW—- oa family sheet

Home Learning – Monday 25th January

Hi everyone,

We hope you’re all well. Here is this week’s Home Learning for the Turtles and Pufferfish. Please remember that it is not a requirement to complete everything; prioritise Maths, Phonics and make time for reading each day. Any work that you do, even if not directly related to the Assignment can be submitted for your teachers to see.

Make the most of the sunny spells this weekend!

Team One.

English Maths Phonics RE – Revelations Science Topic

Home Learning – wb Monday 18th January 2021

Hi everyone,

Please see the below PDFs. These are our ‘Assignments’ for the week (Monday 18th)… In addition, there is a SumDog competition between Turtle class and Pufferfish class, running until the 23rd January.

We hope you are enjoying these lessons. We’re certainly enjoying seeing you faces on Teams each day!

Stay safe and take care,

Mrs Atkins, Mrs Layton, Mrs Walls and Ms Webster.

English Maths Phonics RE – Revelations Science Topic


Home Learning 11th January

Hello, we hope that you are all well. We have attached this weeks learning tasks. These tasks have also been added to our class Teams. Hopefully you have had chance to log in to Teams and have viewed the tasks that have been posted this week. If you have any questions please contact us via the school office or through Teams.

Have a fantastic week.

Year 1 Team

English    Maths

Phonics     Science     Topic