Monthly Archives: January, 2015

Prepare For Maths Week!


We are really looking forward to our maths week next week. We have a dance group in on Monday which the children are very excited about. How will we learn maths through dance?

Match boxes have started to come in. Don’t forget they need to be in by Monday and the children will need them on that day for their maths learning.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on Tuesday for our parents’ maths session from 9.15 until 10.30. You can go to the hall from dropping your children off for a chat and a coffee.

There will be an arty maths day on Wednesday when we will be looking at shapes, creating puzzles, developing symmetrical patterns and looking at fractions.

To finish the week off we will be watching a maths theatre! Oh and don’t forget it’s maths dress up day on Friday! How creative will you dare to be?

We very much look forward to seeing you and letting you know next week how our week has been.

Mrs. Luter and Mrs Allen



Wow! What a busy week!

We have been busy trying to find out what has happened to our classroom toys! We have not yet had any responses to our ‘missing posters’ but we are very hopeful.

The children are feeling rather upset that they have not seen the toys for some time and are in the middle of writing letters to the alien who we suspect may have taken them!

Thank you to all of the parents that came to our year group liturgy. We were very proud of the children and it was lovely that Father Vitalis could join us.

This Friday the children will be sharing their home learning with a friend from the other class so please ensure that the children have their diaries and adventure books in school.

Please continue to support your children in accessing Bug Club and Abacus. Both continue to make a real impact on the children’s learning and experience in school.

Enjoy the end of the week and have a restful weekend.

Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Luter

Spring Term Homework Pyramid

Spring Term Home Learning Adventure Pyramid – Toys

Home Learning will be reviewed every FRIDAY, so please ensure that your books are in school and you have something to share.

• How have toys changed over the years?
• Interview your mum , dad, grandparents etc.

• Create a new toy using any materials you can find.
• Create a poster to advertise it.
• Crete an advert with you and your toy as the stars!

• Produce a bar chart about your families favourite toys.
• Draw and compare a modern day toy with an older toy.

• Create a fact sheet or leaflet about what you have found out.
• Create instructions for how to make a toy (look at create section).
• Write instructions about how to play a game or use a toy.

• Find out about how a particular toy is made.
• Find out about the history of a particular toy.

• Draw your favourite toy. Who gave it to you? Where was it made?
• Why is it your favourite toy?


REMEMBER! How you present your work is very important.

We will look forward to sharing their home learning.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Luter and Mrs Allen

Where are our toys?

We arrived at school on Monday to find that our favourite classroom toys had disappeared! We discovered that a spaceship had entered our classroom over the weekend and it is still there if anyone would like to see it! Under the spaceship was a trail of moondust and a book had been left for us.

The book by Mini Grey – Toys in Space – gave us some ideas about what had happened to our toys and now we are on a mission to find them. Look out for our missing posters around school!

Well done to all the children who are now more regularly accessing Abacus and Bug Club. Please continue with this as the impact on learning has been very impressive.

Here’s hoping our toys turn up soon!

Mrs. Luter and Mrs.Allen

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all, we hope that you had a happy and restful Christmas holiday. The children have told us lots about their special times with you over the the last few days.

The children have brought home their home learning for this half term which is all about toys. And of course Abacus will be updated weekly along with Bug Club. Every Friday the children will be expected to share their home learning with the whole class. Please ensure that the children are organised and that their learning adventure book and their diary is in every Friday. Diaries should be in school every day. Please record any homework that is completed in this diary.

We will be beginning our new topic about toys on Monday 12th of January and are excited about the learning opportunities ahead.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Luter