Monthly Archives: June, 2021

Speading ha-PEA-ness in Year One

Look what we’ve grown! Okay, so they’re technically not peas, but they still brought joy and happiness! Mrs Crockford very kindly picked the broad beans from our plant, cooked them and returned them for the children to try.

The children all agreed that they were very delicious and surprisingly sweet! Quick, add this vegetable to your shopping lists whilst they’re still keen!

Team One.

Sports Day 2021

Friday 18th June

This week, the children got to enjoy a fun and competitive sports morning in the sun. They all did fantastically well. Working in their house teams, the children took turns to collect points by completing different stations which tested their speed, agility, balance and reactions. We were so proud of the children’s positive attitudes and how they cheered on and supported one another. Everybody enjoyed a drink refill and snack under the shade of the big trees on our school field before heading back for the races. After several heats, three boys and three girls were awarded medals which they proudly wore for the rest of the day. Amazing work everyone!

We’ve also been doing lots of phonics this week and we are so impressed with the children’s knowledge and how well they are able to sound button and read words, particularly those tricky alien words. Thank you for all you continued efforts with reading at home – it is paying off!

Enjoy the weekend, everybody.
Year One.

Friday 11th June 2021

Year One have been planting! What do you think of our garden?


Back in April we planted seeds and we have loved watching them grow over the last couple of months. Just before half term we planted them outside. We couldn’t believe how many roots had grown inside the tiny pots! 

We are all very excited to watch our plants continue to grow and bloom. And later, to start producing peas, beans, sweetcorn, tomatoes and peppers.

Our Wild Flowers have buds!


Our peas have tendrils which are grabbing on to the supports.


Here are our peppers and tomatoes (front) and sunflowers (back).

Our bean has flowers on already and we like to watch the ants eating the flies.