Our learning for this week
In maths we have been focusing on telling the time to o’clock and half past the hour. We have also looked at 2D shapes, naming them and looking at their properties. We then looked at finding half and quarters of some shapes.

In computing we enjoyed exploring directional language using the robots. Children worked together to decide on where they wanted their robot to travel and then directed it.

Creative fun
During computing the children created designs in paint using different shapes to make a Christmas picture to go into their cards they are making in DT.

During history the children enjoyed looking at old toys and talking about how they are different to the toys we have now.
In Science the children explored the materials of different objects and sorted them into different categories.

During English the children talked about what they saw on our ‘night time ’ walk in the classroom. They discussed the animals they saw, where they were and what they were doing. This has begun our unit on the book Flashlight.
Our learning for this week!
Shoe Box Appeal
Many children have put together shoe boxes with gifts in to send to other countries. They have written prayers to go in each box too during RE.

We have been exploring odd and even numbers in maths this week too.

The children have also been exploring drawing a picture on paint on the computers.