Welcome Year R


Welcome to the Year R blog. Every week we will update the blog with important notices and the learning that our children have been up to. Please make sure you check the blog regularly so you can stay up to date.

Attached is a Welcome Video. We ask that you spare a few minutes of your time to watch this video as it gives you an insight into Year R, as well as  things we ask you to do at home to support your child’s learning.

Please bear in mind that some routines may change, such as snack times and lunch times, as we continue to follow Government guidance.

Any questions please ask!

The Early Years Team

Our final week….

This week we have been doing some great learning whilst saying hello to our new Year 1 teachers. We have also said goodbye to this school year in style by having a party!

At the beginning of the week planted cress in cress heads, we have spoken about what seeds need to grow and how they can change over time.

We learnt all about reptiles and animals that live in the sea. We wrote facts and then created an underwater cave. We worked together, making sure each of us had an important role in making our under water cave come to life.

Finally we chose our own sea creature to make from jink modelling, we had jelly fish, octopus, sharks and even a submarine!

In preparation for our party we made paper chains and party hats. We then enjoyed popcorn with our movie and then biscuits and a boogie!

All that’s left to say is a big goodbye, to those that are in school and to those who are continuing their learning journey at home. Thank you so much for all the gifts you gave us, we really appreciate it. We have enjoyed teaching you all this year and wish you the best of luck in Year 1. Do come and say hi!

Enjoy your summer!

Love, The Early Years Team

Our Learning for Week 6

This week we have enjoyed weighing and measuring objects in maths. We have used language such as longer, shorter, heavier and lighter.


We have been creative with making pictures using powder paints.

We have enjoyed listening to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We designed our own beanstalks and then made them out of paper and junk modelling.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

From the year R team.


Home Learning 10th July 2020

Here is the home learning for next week:

Phonics Plan


Swimming pool


Winter Scene


Dinosaur picture



Maths, Writing and Foundation

Week 7 Planning


10.07.20 Sacraments RE blog learning


Family Science Activity 10.7.20


Week 7- Peter and The Wolf

Watch the whole musical story Peter and the Wolf.


Listen out for the different tunes you have been learning about.

What instruments can you see?

Our Learning for Week 5

This week we have enjoyed learning all about space.

The children have made their own rockets out of card and Lego, made space ships and even made their own aliens.

In maths we have focused on doubling and halving numbers up to 10. For English this week we have been designing our own planets and then created an alien to live on it.

This afternoon the children will be set the challenge to make a rocket out of junk!

We hope you have a great weekend.

From the Year R team.

Home Learning 3rd July 2020

Here is the home learning for this week:


Phonics Plan











Maths, English and Foundation Planning

Week 6 Planning


Art Challenge For father Jeremy


Hi All,

Here is this week’s music

Week 6- The Hunters

Listen to this short piece of music and find a picture of the timpani.


What do you think the hunters are doing?

Can you create your own hunter music out of everyday objects?


Family Science Activity 3.7.20


Our learning for week 4

Last week we had a treasure hunt, here are a few pictures of our maps and the treasure we had to find… did you go on a treasure hunt at home?

This week we have been using people on a bus to add and subtract amounts.

To challenge our maths addition Miss Deacon made us a bucket addition where where we threw two balls into buckets and had to work out our score. We had numicon to help us!

We have also enjoyed building boats out of junk and paper to see how they float. We have then worked together to improve our creations if they sunk. We used problem solving skills to change and adapt.

For 30 days wild this week we collected natural treasure and used it to make faces! The children loved exploring the field whilst they did this!

We have also enjoyed drawing our shadows in the sunshine and watching how they change as the sun moves around in the day.

We have looked at the story of Hansel and Gretel, mapping out the story and challenging ourselves to write about it!

Finally we looked at habitats, paying particular close attention to the rain forest habitat, we learnt lots of new facts! We also learnt about the type of animals that live in the rain forest and created our own rain forest collage for our animals! They look brilliant!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

From the year R team.


Home Learning 26th June 2020

Here is next week’s home learning:

Maths, English and foundation learning

Week 5 Planning


Phonics Plan


I Spy and Read Phase 3 Set 3

Reading task



I Spy and Read Phase 3 Set 4

Reading task



I Spy and Read Phase 3 Set 5

Reading task



I Spy and Read Phase 3 Set 6

Reading task


Additional learning


Art Challenge TRANSPORT



Family Science Activity 26.6.20



Week 5- The Wolf

Listen to this short piece of music and find a picture of a French horn.


How does this music make you feel?

What kind of character do you think the wolf is?

Can you draw a picture of him?


Religious education plan

Home Learning 19th June 2020

Here is this weeks home learning:

Maths, English and Foundation planning:

Week 4 Planning


Phonics Plan


















Additional learning:


Family Science Activity


Art Challenge Feast Days


Music Activity

Learning for Week 3

This week we have enjoyed playing with the dinosaurs in the tuff tray and creating a swamp for them out of natural resources. We found lots of woodlice amongst the leaves and had a conversation about their habitats.

We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in maths. We have been looking for shapes within our environment and colouring shape pictures.

We then explored the real 3D shapes and even remembered some of their names!

In PE we played a new game called video recorder, when we shouted play the children had to walk, fast forward they had to run and rewind they had to walk backwards… when we called out record they had to pull a funny face! Here are a few funny faces from Seahorse class!

For 30 days wild this week the children had a go at making daisy chains, it was very fiddly but they tried very hard and most importantly had fun!

Some junk modelling, children made transport models. They were brillaint!

Finally, as an extra challenge some children grasped the concept of time. We learnt a rhyme… “When the big hand is at the top, that means its o’clock!”

We’ve seen some great learning this week, we wonder what learning will take place next week!