Another fun week in Early Years

This week in maths we have been focusing on money. The children have been writing their own price tags and using money to buy things from their shop.

In literacy the children have enjoyed acting as police officers writing speeding tickets and signs to tell people how to ride on the roads. They have also been designing their own vehicles, making them and labelling the features.

After learning about road safety And how to keep safe on the roads and even walking near roads the children wrote posters telling others children how to stay safe!

The children have also enjoyed making music outside using the instruments and writing their own music notes to follow.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Early Years Team.

A 4 day week!

We had a short and sweet week this week. The children loved the dragon so much he stuck around this week to, although a princess asked for some protection so the children had to come up with ways to entice the dragon to help protect the princess!

The children followed instructions to make their very own dragon for expressive arts and design this week!


The children were introduced to the concept of taking away. We have had some super learners this week and challenged themselves with number sentences!

On the sunny days the children have been exploring outside, one child found some worms and was able to to use his mathematical thinking skills to identify which one was the longest and which one was the shortest.

From the Early Years Team.


A dragon came to visit!

The children were very excited this week to watch a video of a dragon that came into our playground and burnt some of the pathway! They were keen to write wanted posters to tell others what they had seen and to see if the dragon could be captured.
Here are some examples of their excellent writing:

During discovery time the children chose to write their own stories about dragons and shared them with the rest of the class. Here are some examples of their fantastic writing:

Outside for discovery time, the children worked together and built traps to capture the dragon as they wanted him to come back to visit.

The children also enjoyed using their creativity skills to make their own dragon masks. Here are some photos of their art work:


In maths the children have continued with adding amounts to 20 using Numicon and other various counting objects. Here are some photos of their great learning:

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Early Years Team.

Welcome back to the Summer Term

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break. The children have settled back into school really well.
They have enjoyed reading the story Jasper’s Beanstalk. We have planted seeds in the outdoor area and have been talking about what is needed to grow a plant. The children then wrote their own lists of things they need and instructions on how to do it.
In maths the children counted beans and matched them to the numbers on the pots as well as cutting and sticking beanstalks in height order.
Here are some examples of their learning:

Please continue to read daily with your children at home and record it in their diaries so we can issue a certificate for when they read 20 times.

We hope you have a great weekend.

From the Early Years Team.


Week 6 learning

Last week we enjoyed writing to the farm to ask them to visit our school and on Tuesday we were surprised to see they had arrived. Here are some photos of the children handling the animals:

In literacy we enjoyed listening to the story ‘We’re going on an egg hunt’. The children then made their own eggs, hid them in the outdoor area and then drew their own maps and wrote sentences to explain where they had hid the eggs for their friend to find. Here are some photos of their learning:

We hope you all have a well deserved Easter break.

From the Early Years team.

Week 5 learning

The children have really enjoyed observing the chicks in their cage and even holding them. They have also been writing letters to the farm, aquarium and zoo to see if more animals can come and visit us. Here are some photos of their fantastic learning:

In maths the children have been learning all about the number 14 and 15. They have made the amounts using Numicon, blocks and gems and written their own number sentences. Here are some photos of their maths discovery learning:

We hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the spring sunshine. Do encourage your child to look for signs of spring when out and about on walks. Can they see buds on trees starting the grow? Can they find spring flowers growing on the ground? Take photos and share with us on Tapestry.
From the Early Years Team



Week 4 learning

The children this week have enjoyed making the amounts 12 and 13 using multi link, Numicon and writing number sentences.
Here are some photos of their learning:

In literacy the children have enjoyed watching the chicks hatch and writing about what they see happening.

Here are some photos to share:

On Wednesday this week the children arrived to see two of our chicks have hatched! They have been fascinated with watching them explained their new chick cage!

In RE we have been talking about the Parable of the Talents. The children talked about what they are good at, drew pictures and wrote sentences. Here is some of their fantastic learning:

Geography deep learning day.

The children enjoyed looking at maps of the world and then drawing their own. We also looked at the roads we live on and talked about what things we might see. Here are some great pictures of their learning:

We are currently teaching phonics twice a day to really support them with saying and applying their phase 2 and 3 sounds as well as helping to fill any gaps in their knowledge that they may have.
Please can we ask that you read with your child daily for 10 minutes to enable your child to develop their reading ability. We appreciate that some children might be coming home with a book that they have already read however please do not worry, this just helps them to consolidate the sounds they know.
We will be giving out certificates throughout the term to children that are frequently reading at home, so please write in your child’s diary when they have read to you so we can keep a track.
Thank you for your on going support. The children have been working so hard since coming back which has been very positive to see.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.
From the Early Years Team

Welcome back to Spring Term

The children have settled back into school so well with a very hard working attitude. They have enjoyed being back with their friends exploring in the Early Years environment.

To hook the children into writing this week, they explored a tuff tray which had straw, eggs, feathers and bird seeds in. The children had to use their magnifying glasses to investigate and talk to one another about what they could see and then write about it. They also thought about what might have happened.

Here are some photos of the writing that the children created:

In maths the children have been focusing on making amounts to 10. They have used Numicon and gems to count and write number sentences.
Here are some pictures of their great learning:

We are very excited to see the chicks have arrived in school. They are in the incubator and we are waiting patiently for them to hatch!

In RE we have been writing about what we are going to do to help someone during Lent.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the year R team.

Daffodil Art

Here is all the fabulous art home learning that the year R children took part in at home.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing all the children back in on Monday.
From the Year R team.

Online Remote Learning Week 2


We hope you have all settled back into home learning really well.

Here is the phonics online learning for week 2. Please remember to check Tapestry for additional resources we will add over the week.

Week 2 planning-








Reception Art Activity


Additional Resources-

design a book cover


I dressed up as

St David’s day


Maths Additional Resources-




Sharks and Dolphins-

Phonics Plan Sharks and Dolphins Week 2














Phonics Plan Lobsters Week 2













Phonics Plan Stingrays Week 2







We hope you have a lovely week and we look forward to welcoming the children back in school on Monday 8th March.

From the year r team.