Our Inventions!
This week the children’s literacy focus was a story called ‘If I Built a Car’. The children then designed and created their own vehicle’s using a range of resources including junk modelling, play dough, construction and paint! They then completed some fantastic writing describing what they have made.
Autumn 1 Week 3
Wow what a week!
We are so impressed with how the children have done on their first full week. They are getting used to routines, expectations and are listening to instructions. We have also introduced daily Liturgical prayer (worship) time and started learning some songs, which the children have loved!
Our Literacy has been focussed around the book ‘The Lion Inside’. The children loved reading the story and have spent the week role playing, creating their own lions and mice, sequencing the story, making puppets and much more!
In Maths we have started by introducing sorting and making pairs. The children have been exploring this through their activities whilst noticing patterns and trying to explain their thinking.
As expected, the children are very tired so we hope you all have a restful weekend and enjoy some time together after a busy week. We are are so proud of the children and we know you will be too!
Year R Team
Spring 1 week 6
We can’t quite believe it’s the end of another half term, and we will be going in to the Summer term after the Easter break. Although it doesn’t seem possible, it has been a long and busy half term for the children (and adults!) so we are all in need of a good rest. We remain hopefully that they grey wet weather is on its way out for more sunshine and dry days.
This week the children have been busy learning about Holy week and the journey Jesus went on leading up to his crucifixion. We took part in Stations of the Cross on Tuesday with year 1 and 2 and the children listened and sat beautifully during the Liturgy where some Year 5 and 6 pupils brought the story to life by acting it out. This afternoon we will joining the whole school in a special Liturgical assembly as we remember the real reason we celebrate Easter.
In Maths, the children have been learning about 3D shapes (sphere, cylinder, cuboid, cube and cone) and looking at the basic properties as well as looking at real life objects that are these shapes.
We have also been busy making Easter cards where we have focussed on cutting skills and adding a split pin to make a moving part.
Kind regards,
Mrs Lockwood-Peck & Miss Andrews
Spring 1 Week 2
We have had a busy week this year in year R. The children thoroughly enjoyed the trip out to the library. They were all extremely sensible and well behaved, especially on the long walk there and back. We were very proud of them. Thank you as well to our parent helpers who came along with us. We completed two activities whilst we were there which the children seemed to love!
This week we have also been carrying on with our phase 3 phonic sounds, which the children are doing really well with learning. (y, z, zz, qu)
In Maths we have been focussing on shapes and using shapes to make new shapes as well as looking at times of day- day and night and different things we do at these times.
Spring 1 Week 1
It was so nice to welcome the children back to school on Tuesday and hear all about what they got up to during the Christmas break. They have been eager to get back into a routine and start some new learning.
This week we have learnt to retell the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and completed lots of activities related to this story.
In Maths we have looked at 4 sided shapes- squares and rectangles- and the children have leant how to identify them and explain how they know which shapes it is. They also learnt that a square is a rectangle but a special type- can they tell you what makes it special?
We have also started Phase 3 sounds in phonics- this week focussing on j, v, w, & x. we are continuing to practise our blending of sounds to read words and segmenting to hear sounds in words to write them down.
Next week we will be launching our topic for this half term of People who help us and talking about the many different jobs hat grown ups do. Maybe you could explain your job to your child over the weekend and what you do for work?
Autumn 2 Week 5
This week in year R we have had a lovely week starting festivities. We started the week reading the story ‘ Dear Father Christmas’. This book then helped the children understand what a letter looks like and how to write one. The children then wrote their own letters and thoroughly enjoyed posting them on our walk to the post box.
Autumn 2 week 4
We have had a lovely week in year R. We have been extremely busy practicing the nativity, learning about advent and practicing our maths and phonics too! The children are doing well with the Christmas play, thank you to those parents with children who have speaking parts for practicing so your child knows their lines. If your child does have words to say in the play please practice as much as you can with them at home if you aren’t already. We need clear and loud voices!
Autumn 2 Week 3
What a busy week in year R especially with all the rain and flooding preventing us getting out much at the beginning of the week.
This week we read ‘The Nativity’ by Nick Butterworth so the children could understand the performance we are going to be doing in a few weeks time! This coincided with starting to rehearse the nativity in the classroom and in the hall.
In Maths this week we looked at the number 6 and counting to this amount 1:1 accurately and then looking at the different ways to make this amount on 2 groups. The children have loved been shown the part- whole model and using this to show the different ways 6 can be made e.g. 5 and 1 but also 3 and 3 etc.
In PE this week we started to look at ball skills and throwing and catching bean nags which we have then been continuing in discovery.
Autumn 2 Week 2
The children this week have been busy looking at different exotic fruits from the book Handa’s Suprise. During discovery they had the opportunities to draw and paint the different fruits too.
We also completed some fantastic learning based around remembrance day. The children learnt why Rememberance day is so important to all. We made a variety of poppies from using cupcake cases, painting paper plates and using tissue paper
In maths we have been looking at number 5 and how to make the number 5 in different ways.
Next week we are going to be looking at the story ‘The Nativity’ as we are now beginning to rehearse and learn songs for our own nativity play in December. In maths next week we will be looking at the number 6 and how we can make 6 in different ways and amounts.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all next week.
Autumn 2 week 1
The children have had a great week back and clearly had a lovely relaxing half term- just what they needed.
This week we have been focussing on the story The Scarecrows Wedding where the children drew pictures (or cut them out) to label a list of items the characters needed in the story for their wedding. We also looked at weddings- understanding they are a special sacrament.
In Maths we looked at the number 4 and different ways we can make the number- e.g. 1 and 3 and 2 and 2. These skills of how the numbers are made up are imperative for the children’s learning to understand the composition of numbers and not just how to count. We have also started to look at subitising numbers- seeing an amount without needing to count it.
The children have also been writing letters to post in the class post-box, painting pumpkins and exploring with conkers, to name a few.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year R Team