Fabulous Fun on Fridays

We hope you have had another great week packed full of lots of different learning opportunities. Here is what the Early Years teachers have been up to this week.

Mrs Conlon has been busy making coasters from corks that she was given. She enjoyed sitting in the sunshine carefully gluing them together. She also found a programme all about penguins and enjoyed watching that one evening. Mrs Conlon really wanted some chocolate after dinner the other day so she found some squeeze white chocolate and made her own buttons! Even though some of them weren’t perfect, they still tasted delicious! Mrs Conlon and Mrs Conlon also spent some time playing a board game together called Ticket to Ride. This was the first time Mrs Conlon had played this and she won!

Mrs King says ‘Hello everyone, I hope you enjoying time with your family and doing your home learning challenges! I am missing you and look forward to seeing you when we can!’. She enjoyed a VE Day afternoon tea with Mr King and her two sons. It looked very delicious. Mrs King also had a pamper day with a relaxing face mask and then painting her toe nails. Mr King surprised her with some gorgeous pink roses when he came home from work!

Mrs King certainly enjoyed the ‘relaxing’ of the lockdown rules as she spent time waking along Langston Harbour. Although it was a little windy she enjoyed being out in the sunshine with her family!

Mrs Grout had a lovely walk along Southsea seafront with her family where they all enjoyed an ice cream together in the sun. They also visited the War Memorial and saw a Royal Navy ship sail off from Portsmouth Harbour. Mrs Grout also made some bunting to celebrate VE Day.

Mrs Aquilina celebrated VE Day by also making some bunting for outside her house as well as enjoying an afternoon tea with her family in the garden whilst listening to World War 2 era music. She made some delicious chocolate chip cookies as well as a butterfly feeder to hang in her tree. Mrs Aquilina also did some gardening by trimming back some of her plants.

Miss Deacon has some pictures to share with you from her local area when she has been out walking everyday as part of her exercise. She was amazed to see so many different things, it gave her a feeling of happiness to think how much our country has come together to help others get through a very tricky time.

Whilst on her walk she also spotted a bird egg. It was fairly small and unfortunately broken. She thinks a predator must have got hold of it and ate the contents of the egg. She thinks it is a blackbird’s egg, what do you think?

On another walk she spied someone had written on the path with chalk…

It said did you know that a male giraffe is up to 18 feet tall! And then it said look up… Miss Deacon looked up and saw that someone in the house had placed this in their window… do you think it’s 18 feet tall?

Finally for a bit of fun her aunt sent her this photo. You have to find a butterfly, a bat and a duck… can you spot them all? She has found the bat for you already!

Have a great week Year R. We miss you all.

Love From The Early Years Team

Home Learning Friday 15th May

Hello everyone,

Here is the home learning for the coming week. Please remember to choose from the activities we provide and not push yourself to complete all of them with your child. However, your child  must complete the maths, literacy and phonics learning each week.

Remember to continue to check Tapestry and continue to add your child’s learning to Tapestry also, we love seeing what they are up to!

Music Home Learning

Family Science Activity 

Art Challenge Famous Landmarks

Week 5- rainbow challenges

Phonics Week 5 Summer


I can read activity

Phase 2-HF Words Snakes and Ladders


air – phoneme spotter story

ure – phoneme spotter story

er – phoneme spotter story


qu,ch,sh,th,ng Read and Race Game

Word Cards


Phase 3 ar – Phoneme Roll and Read Mat

ar – phonics piggy bank activity

Phase 3 – long and short oo phoneme roll and read mat

Long oo short oo and ar sorting cards activity

ar – phoneme spotter story

oo short vowel sound phoneme spotter story


Thank you for all the work you are doing at home. We understand that some children may be  struggling to focus on their learning , please do not worry if you feel that you are not getting everything done. Listen to your child, they are little superheros the way they have adapted to life during this uncertain time. You don’t have to spend all day learning. You could just spend about 20 minutes a day if that is all your child is able to cope with that day. Enjoy your time together. Remember we are always at the end of the phone or email so please do not hesitate to contact the school if you need us!

Many thanks,

The Early Years Team

Fabulous Fun on Fridays

Hello everyone

We hope you have all had a lovely week. It has been great to see the sun back out and we can enjoy some outdoor learning again.

Here is what the Early Years Team have been up to this week.

Mrs Conlon has enjoyed making some jam tarts for Mr Conlon as he said these were his favourtie treat that his mum used to make him when he was a young boy! She has also enjoyed cooking lots of lovely meals at home in the slow cooker as well as having a go at making home made tortilla chips. They were delicious with the chilli. Mrs Conlon has also enjoyed engaging with some different workouts with Joe Wicks and some Disney mindfulness colouring in the evenings.

Mrs Grout has enjoyed taking part in a virtual quiz online with her husband and she was so pleased to win a virtual cream tea. Well done Mr and Mrs Grout. We hope you enjoy your delicious treat. She has also been watching her cucumber plants as they are starting to grow quickly now!

Mrs Aquilina has had a busy, but exciting week. As well as doing the daily PE workout with Joe Wicks, and home schooling her children, her step- son and his wife had a baby girl on Saturday, so Mrs Aquilina is a grand(step)mother!!!! Plus she has been baking again… this time providing well-deserved snacks for her eldest son and his work colleagues who are Key workers. She made them rocky roads and no- bake chocolate and peanut butter cookies!! Delicious.

Mrs King has had a very quiet week relaxing each evening with her family.  She did challenge Mr King to a game of scrabble… she hasn’t let on who won though. Who do you think won the game? Mrs King also had her new mattress delivered yesterday and she reports that she had the best night sleep ever last night! Sweet dreams Mrs King!

Miss Deacon was inspired by Mrs Aquilina’s baking last week so she had a go at making cinnamon swirls! They were absolutely delicious and a hit as they were all gone in 2 days!

It is a good job that Miss Deacon likes birds (you all know this because of the bird feeders she fills up at school) because in addition to seeing the ducks last week she now has blue tits nesting! They have chosen to nest in a nest box near her garage and she is lucky enough to see into the nest box because of a nest box camera! The pair spent a long time building the nest and eventually the mum laid 9 beautiful eggs. The mum sat on the eggs for 14 days and then they hatched! Since then both mum and dad have been busy feeding them! It’s such a great opportunity that Miss Deacon has to watch the blue tits bring up their chicks. She will keep us updated!

Love From The Early Years Team

Home Learning Friday 8th May

Hello Year R,

We hope you have been enjoying the sun the last few days!

Here is the home learning for next week.
This includes: Art, RE and Science. Please remember we do not expect you to do all the activities with your child as we are aware it is a lot. These are just different ideas to help engage your child with different aspects of the curriculum as much as possible. Again take your child’s lead if they find an interest in something at home and lead the learning from that to help keep them more focused with it. However, the children must participate in the Literacy, Maths and Phonics learning every week.

Many thanks for all the hard work you are putting in with your child’s learning at home. We have really enjoyed seeing lots being put on Tapestry.

Week 4- rainbow challenges

Phonics Week 4 Summer


ear – phoneme spotter story

oi – phoneme spotter-story

ow-phoneme spotter story


j,v,w,x,y,z,zz Read and Race Game

Roll and Read J

Roll and Read V

Roll and Read W

Roll and Read X

Roll and Read Y

Roll and Read zz


oa – Phoneme Spotter Story

ai – phoneme spotter story

ee – phoneme spotter story

igh – phoneme spotter story

ai,ee and igh-circle that word

Below are the art challenge set by Mrs Pearson, the science challenge and some RE learning.

Art Challenge

Family Science Activity Friday 8th May

Pentecost homework RE

Phonics learning and the rainbow challenges are also posted on Tapestry.

Have a wonderful week.

From the Early Years Team

Fabulous Fun on Fridays

That’s another week over and we know you are excited to find out what the teachers have been up to….

Mrs Aquilina has been busy this week putting her excellent baking skills to the test by making… chocolate eclairs! They look pretty delicious! Her whole family have enjoyed eating her yummy creation.


As well as baking Mrs Aquilina has taken part in some crafts, making salt dough ornaments and painting them with her daughter. She even made a special coronavirus lockdown plaque with her family to remind her of this time in years to come. Maybe you could do something similar with your family?

Mrs King wanted to share her own message this week: “Hello Year R, I hope that you are all keeping well. I have enjoyed looking at your home learning and I miss you all”.
Mrs King has tried her hand at hairdressing this week as Mr King braved allowing her loose with the clippers to cut his hair! We can confirm that he survived to tell the tale! Nice work Mrs King!

Mrs King has been looking at your rainbow challenges this week and was keen to try planting her own seeds. She decided to plant chilli seeds and placed a plastic pot over them to form a mini greenhouse to keep them warm. They have certainly shot up now!

Miss Deacon has had a quiet week, except she had some unusual visitors on her doorstep one morning… she wonders if they were asking if they could take a dip in her pond that’s in the back garden! They stayed around for most of the morning before flying off to get some lunch! Have you seen some unusual birds or animals on your travels?

Miss Deacon also decided to paint her own nails as she fancied a change! She chose rainbows to show her appreciation to the NHS and to add a little colour and happiness at this uncertain time. She hopes that you are all remembering to smile and be helpful at home.

On Sunday a pigeon flew into Mrs Conlon’s house through the open door! It struggled to get out so Mr Conlon had to encourage it out with a broom. Mrs Conlon hid behind the door laughing taking pictures! She has also been busy experimenting with making different breads this week and has continued to enjoy reading as well as regularly exercising in her living room.

Mrs Grout has been busy in her garden growing some spring onion seeds which have already started growing. She also went for a walk with her dog at the fort on top of the hill. Beautiful views to see in the sunshine!


And for an extra treat this week be sure to check out our school video that has a message from all the staff at St Peters to you children. We hope it makes you smile!

Remember to stay home and stay safe.

Love, The Early Years Team

History and Art Home Learning VE Day Celebrations

Here is the History and Art home Learning for the VE Day Celebrations for Friday 8th May 2020.

Art Challenge Celebrations for VE Day

Home Learning Activities


Have fun 🙂


Home Learning Friday 1st May


We know the weather hasn’t been the best this week so we hope you’ve been finding new ways to have fun with your family whilst staying inside!  Teachers are continuing to call you at home to talk about your learning and what you have been up to. Please be sure to pick up the phone or give the school a call back as we do love talking to each and every one of you! Below are the links to your new rainbow challenges and phonics learning:

Week 3- rainbow challenges

Week 3 – Phonics 

Below are some resources that will help the phonics learning for this week. Please pay close attention to the phonics groups and daily sounds.



Tricky words letter formation


ar – phoneme spotter story

or – phoneme spotter story

ur – phoneme spotter story


ure – phoneme spotter story

er – phoneme spotter story



Word Cards

qu,ch,sh,th,ng Read and Race Game


We also have a science experiment for you to try at home – have fun!

Family Science Activity

Thank you for all the learning you are doing at home.

The Early Years Team

Science Home Learning Friday 24th April

Family Science Activity – Friday 24th April – STATIC MAGIC

The activity: Make objects move without touching them by charging them with static electricity. ExpeRiment: with different objects to see how static electricity affects them. Learn about charged particles like electrons and how things gain or lose charge.

https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/static-magic – for a video clip about the experiment and a full version of the activity information sheet.

What you will need:

• A balloon • A cotton towel or T-shirt or a woolly jumper • Some scrap paper • A paper/plastic drinking straw (optional) • An empty 500ml plastic drinks bottle (optional) • A hard plastic comb or ruler (optional) • Other household objects to test.

What to do:

  • Charge up a balloon and try picking up scraps of paper with it.
  • Investigate whether the amount you rub the balloon affects how much paper it can pick up.
  • Investigate whether the size of the scraps of paper makes a difference.
  •  Find out how close you have to be to the paper before the balloon makes it move.
  • Try bending a stream of water like Hector does in the video.
  • Try balancing a straw on top of a bottle lid and seeing if you can make it spin like in the video.
  • Find out which objects are attracted to the charged up balloon and which are repelled by it.
  •  Try holding a charged balloon near your hair or your skin.

Going Further:

Try rolling an empty soft drink can along the ground using a charged up balloon http://bit.ly/StaticCanRoll

Try lighting up a fluorescent lightbulb with a charged up balloon – as described here: http://bit.ly/LightBulbBalloon

Try tying two balloons to strings and seeing if you can charge them up with static electricity then hang them up so they repel each other.

Read more about static electricity http://bit.ly/ MoreStaticScience


Please find the PDF link here:

Family Science Activity Friday 24th April

Music Home Learning Friday 24th April

Friday 24th April


Close your eyes and listen to:


Can you move around to the music? Is it slow or fast?

Now move around to:


Is this slow or fast?

What else did you notice?

Did you spot that they are the same tune? Saint-Saens slowed down Offenbach’s famous Can- Can music and used it to represent tortoises.

Is this slow or fast?

What else did you notice?

Did you spot that they are the same tune? Saint-Saens slowed down Offenbach’s famous Can- Can music and used it to represent tortoises.

Please find a PDF copy here:

Music 24th April 2020 updated

We can’t wait to see more videos on Tapestry 🙂


Fabulous Fun on Fridays!


Are you wondering what the teachers have been up to?

Mrs Conlon and Miss Deacon have been spending some time reading at home in the sunshine. We have been chatting to each other on the phone about what we have read and what books we recommend to get into next!

Miss Deacon has also been spending time with her younger sister and helping her with some home learning. Miss Deacon was put to the test with solving some tricky maths problems! With lots of thinking and determination she worked with her sister to complete them. Miss Deacon has also enjoyed getting some exercise by going on walks with her family around her local area.

Mrs Conlon has also been enjoying baking with home grown rhubarb which her neighbor kindly left on her doorstep from her allotment. She has also been out on bike rides around her local area to collect some groceries from the shops. Mrs Conlon has been taking part in some of Joe Wicks’ workouts to keep fit whilst the gym is closed!

Mrs Aquilina has enjoyed going for long walks with her children. She had a trip to Porchester castle to support their home learning. They all learnt some history and geography whilst they were there.

Mrs King made some cakes as it was her dad’s birthday this week. She got him some gifts and a card and visited him at his home from a distance to send him birthday love and wishes.

Mrs Grout has enjoyed walking around with her son every morning to help him deliver newspapers within her local area. She has also been busy in her garden renovating some old furniture. Here are some before and after photos. Great work Mrs Grout 😊

We hope you are all enjoying this time with your families as well as keeping safe and learning lots 🙂

Talk to you soon 🙂

Love from us all in Early Years