Learning for Week 2

This week we have enjoyed watching the Sandiego Zoo web cam and talking about the habitats of the different animals.

During discovery time we have been reading splatting tricky words with water and then reading them to our friends. We have also built some vehicles with the Mobilo, practised our cutting skills and completed colour by numbers activity sheets.

For our 30 days wild activity we went onto the field and searched for creepy crawlies. We dug around in the leaves and soil to see what we could find. When we found a creature we talked about how it moved and compared it to others. We found a red spider, woodlouse and ants.

In English the children retold the story of the three little pigs and in maths they were making teen numbers in lots of different ways.

The children also enjoyed making their own vehicles and places of work out of junk modelling.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the year R team.


Home Learning 12th June 2020

Here is the phonics planning for this week with resources:

Phonics Plan




Woodland trail game




Woodland trail game







Woodland trail game


English, Maths and Foundation Learning

Week 3 Planning

Resources to support this week’s learning:

My 3D shape hunt




Music Learning

Music learning – week 3

RE  Learning

12.06.20 RE Pentecost Mission task

Science Learning

Family Science Activity 12.6.20

Art Learning

Art Challenge KS1

Home Learning 5th June 2020

Welcome to the second half of the Summer Term.

Here is the phonics planning for this week with resources:

Phonics Plan


















Maths, English and Foundation Learning

Week 2 Planning

Resources to help with learning:





3 little pigs Page Border



Music Home learning:

Music Home Learning Friday 5th June 2020

Science Home learning:

Family Science Activity 5.6.20

Art Home learning:

Art challenge Read all about it


Learning from week 1

We have completed our first week back during these uncertain times. School is a bit different but we have had some great learning and smiles this week. We hope those who are at home are enjoying the new learning opportunities and are smiling throughout the day. We would like to share a few things we have been up to this week.

In maths we have been learning how to share objects equally between themselves and a toy… just like you have been at home!

During discovery time this week we have played with mobilo, animals, lego and inter stars.


We took part in 30 Days Wild this week and challenged the children to draw something wild.

Here is some of the work the children did:

We also talked and wrote about what we want to be when we grow up. Here is some of the work the children did:

Have a great weekend.

From the Year R team.

Welcome back!

If you are back to school may we remind you that children are not to bring in bags from home. They should come to school only with their water bottle, jumper/cardigan and sun hat (if appropriate).

Children who are in Year R are eligible for free hot dinners, this is still the case. Children do not need to bring in a packed lunch as Mrs Gray, our cook, will cook them a delicious hot dinner on site.

This week the menu is:

Tuesday – Roast mini-sausages OR Quorn sausage

Thursday – Meatballs in tomato sauce with pasta OR Quorn balls in tomato sauce with pasta

Friday – Fish cake and chips OR Vegetable burger and chips

PE tomorrow

Hi All,

If you joined us in school today we hope you had a lovely first day back. If you are at home learning we hope you have enjoyed the tasks we have set you 🙂

If you are at school tomorrow it is PE in the afternoon so please can the children come to school in their PE kit. PE will always be on a Tuesday afternoon.

If you’re at home maybe you could do a Joe Wicks PE video on YouTube.

Keep up the good work and keep smiling 😁

Fabulous Fun on Fridays

A big hello to Year R and we hope that you have enjoyed a rather sunny and warm half term! With the relaxing of the recent lockdown rules, as effective on Monday, we hope you will be able to see other members of your family and friends. Remember to stay safe and keep 2 meters away from those who do not live in your house! Also, some exciting news is that as of Monday we will be welcoming some of you back to school! School will look a bit different and some of you may not be in the same classroom. We also have some new rules for you to follow – but remember we are doing this to keep you safe! We hope you are looking forward to coming back to school with us.

So what have the teachers been up to this half term?

Miss Deacon went for a long walk in the new forest and saw a lizard run along the hot path, a vole scurrying between the leaves and a lot of wild ponies. She even saw a foal! This week she has also made mini chocolate chip cheesecakes, delicious!

When helping with some gardening she came across a blackbird’s nest. She knew that she had blackbirds nesting in the clematis, but they appeared to have stopped, probably because a predator spooked them! Look how deep and neat the nest is!

Its Mrs King’s birthday today so she is enjoying some time at home with her family! Could you sing happy birthday to Mrs King? We hope she is enjoying her day and eating lots of birthday cake! Mrs Aquilina even baked Mrs King a cake and gave to her in the park!

Mrs Conlon has had a brilliant week in the sun. She has been enjoying seeing more of her friends and family, ensuring she kept a safe 2 meters away from those she doesn’t live with! Mrs Conlon has had a picnic with Mr Conlon, met up with her sister, dog and mum where they spent the day on the beach. She also went for a walk around Porchester Castle.

Mrs Aquilina has had another busy week, baking a birthday cake for Mrs King and a banana loaf for her children. She made a butterfly feeding table and then visited her mum in her local park with her children, staying a safe distance at all times. Mrs Aquilina has also been out for a bike ride with her daughter. She visited Mrs King yesterday to give her the cake and with Mrs Grout and Mrs Pearson passed on a gift from all the teachers in year R.

Love From, The Early Years Team

Home learning for Monday 1st June

Hi everyone

Now that some of the children have returned to school we have changed how we are planning to ensure it is manageable for teaching from in school and at home.

Please do as much as you can at home from the Maths and Foundation learning. In particular we would like phonics to be a focus as it is important to keep children practicing daily.

Phonics Plan

Phonics Resources for Dolphins, Seals, Lobsters:













Stingrays resources:


Maths and Foundation learning

Week 1 Planning

Music Learning

Peter and the Wolf

Week 1- Peter

Listen to this short piece of music and find the picture of a violin?


How does the music make you feel?

Can you move around to it?

Art Challenge


Science Learnng

Family Science Activity 29.5.20

Fabulous Fun on Fridays

We hope you have all enjoyed another sunny week at home. Here is what your teachers have been up to this week as well as getting all the classrooms ready for when we return to school:

Mrs Conlon has enjoyed planting some chilli seeds in pots in her garden. She has also spent more time reading on her new Kindle in the sunshine. Mrs Conlon also made some healthy fruity mousse desserts. Mrs Conlon and Mr Conlon also went for a long four and a half hour walk the other day which totaled 27,813 steps! They were both very tired after that!

Mrs Aquilina has been doing quite a bit of baking this week…. scones, iced fingers and a lovely fresh white loaf.  She took her children to Farlington Marshes where they had a lovely walk and spotted lots of wildlife, like swans, ducks and geese.

Mrs Grout went on a walk to Hayling Island with her son and dog where they enjoyed digging a hole together. It was also Mrs Grout’s mum’s birthday so she went and visited her at a distance!


Mrs King went for a walk this week along Great Salterns Recreation park and she has been busy baking jam tarts and a quiche. It was also Mr King’s mum’s birthday so they made her some cupcakes to share at a distance to celebrate.

Miss Deacon has had a busy week at school preparing for the potential return of some children soon! But she had time to have a go at a challenge we set for your home learning and played a board game with her little sister. The board game is called tooth fairy. We had great fun!

In other news she has an update from the blue tits in her nesting box. The chicks are getting bigger everyday and growing fast! They even have feathers  now! Here are some images from the nest box camera.

Love From The Early Years Team


Half Term Learning

Hello everyone,

For half term we are not setting any new home learning. If you would like to engage your child in some work then please look back at any of the activities that have been set for the past few weeks that you have not been able to complete yet particularly the Science ones.

You could also recap some of the phonics games that we sent out as well as the reading activities.

This learning is optional so please make it your choice what you do with your child over the holidays.

We hope you enjoy the last week before we welcome many of the children back in school on Monday 1st June.

From the Early Years Team