Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pizza Express

We had the best trip today to pizza express. We were able to be a part of every stage of pizza making and even got to eat our creations!


Happy snow day!

What a fabulous week it has been. We have enjoyed bedtime story hour, lots of exploring the snow and now a day at home to enjoy it!

Please stay safe in the snow and make the most of it.

We are looking forward to parents evenings next week to let you know about how well your children have settled and how much they can now do!

See you next week,

The Early Years Team

Happy Half Term!

We have been very busy in YR and I am sure that the children will now appreciate a very restful holiday, spending time relaxing and recovering from bugs! We have lots of exciting trips and experiences coming up, but hope your children have told you all about what they have already had. Make sure you ask them about the vet visit and our friends from Pets at Home!


Have a great week,


The Early Years Team

Bug hunting

Today (Friday) saw us taking part in a whole school STEM day (looking at science, technology, engineering and mathematics). We made our own magnifying glasses out of plastic cups, elastic bands and cling film and then hunted for bugs in the woods which we looked at using our magnifying glasses. We poured water on to the top of the cling film and this helped to make our bugs and leaves look bigger… It was really fun and the children were very engaged. See if you can find some bugs in your garden at home?

Have a lovely weekend

The early years team

Spring term

Dear all

We hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas break, that the children are well rested and that they are raring to go!

We will be starting our new topic of ‘The animals went in two by two’ this half term and would love to see any photographs of pets or favorite animals or any ‘kit’ that could go in our role play areas which have been transformed into vets.

We will be sending out a letter to you all this week outlining some house keeping issues so please keep a look out for it. Next week we will be learning new ‘digraphs’… information to follow!

We look forward to a productive term.

The early years team.

At the woods

Last week saw our first foray into our woodland area. We donned our waterproof coats and trousers and pulled on our wellies and set off to the field. We learnt all about how to stay safe before we went and then had fun exploring. We collected some blackberries as well as had a go at climbing the tree with Mrs James help! We found paths in the woods and had great fun exploring.


This week we have been focusing on our 6 C of ‘commitment’ in worship, adding to the foci of collaboration and courtesy that we have looked at in previous weeks. Next week we will be thinking about creativity. It would be great if you could talk about this with your child.

Thank you to all of you who came to the welcome meeting this week. It was great to see so many of you! If you were unable to attend you should have had a copy of the power point presentation added to your child’s book bag. Please shout if not!

The early years team

Settling in!

Hello again

The children are now entering their second full week and have been enjoying coming into school and making new friends. We have had a lovely time outside in the (mostly) sunny weather… playing some lovely role play in the ‘drive through’, learning our numbers and counting and doing lots of writing about the dens we have been building.

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We hope they enjoy the rest of this week! Please remember to bring the children’s reading books to school and also to being any wellies if you have not already done so!

The early years team

Our First Week

We hope your children have enjoyed their first week at big school!

This week please have a look at the homework diary in detail, especially the first ten and last three pages. Also, ensure you read every day!

Thanks for supporting your child’s learning,

The Early Years Team

Tuppenny Barn

This week saw us at Tuppenny Barn in Southbourne near Emsworth. We spent

the day with some lovely adults, both helping us as parents and those providing stimulating and engaging activities for the children to do at the barn itself.

We did 4 activities throughout the day in smaller groups. We looked at creatures on and in the pond, we made a green salad, we went on a tour of the organic farm and we made plant pots out of newspaper and then planted a seed. We all had a great day! It was very warm but we were all very well behaved and drank lots of water to keep us cool. We also tasted cucumber water which the barn made for us. It was lovely and refreshing!


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Welcome back!

This week has seen us starting our new topic focusing in the book ‘We’re going on a bear hunt.’  The children found some paw prints on Monday morning and were very excited about trying to find the bear. We have learnt the book using actions and props and have even been outside onto the grass and trees to reenact the story.



The children have also been writing little books about the story and are really showing that they understand about the structure of the book. Next week we will be drawing some story maps to help us sequence the story. ( See if you can spot the caterpillars in this photo too! We are hoping hey will grow into butterflies soon!)

Thank you to this dog you who have returned the trip slips and money. Please come and see us if there are any problems. We look forward to going in just over a week!

Off to St Peters Fest now. Hope to see lots of you there!

The early years team.