The first week back

Welcome back to a very busy first week!

On the first day back the children had the opportunity to release the final butterfly out of our butterfly net and into the wild. They were amazed how it had gone from caterpillar, cocoon and then butterfly. They were so excited when it flew off into the sky!

We then told the children that we were going to be taking a plane to Mexico and they had to make passports, low and behold we had quite a few children jump up and make the passports and buy their tickets for the flight! To give the children a flavour of what it is like in Mexico we had one of the Mum’s come in and talk to the children about her home county, Mexico. The children loved dressing up and dancing to the native music of Mexico!

On Friday we had our trip to Mexico, it was a very noisy flight! We were lucky enough to have an actual member of a cabin crew join us for the morning when spoke us through the safety instructions for the flights and shared with the children what it was like to work on a real plane! Once we landed in Mexico the children had the opourtvitybti try some Mexican food! Let’s just say the tortilla chips and dip went down a treat!

It has been a fantastic week back, we have another great one planned for next week. Have a lovely weekend.

Important dates:

• Father’s Day Sale – 13th June

• Sports day  – 14th June

• Book looks – 17th & 18th June