New arrivals!

Last week we saw the arrival of 12 chicken eggs. It caused great excitement, yet the children were very respectful and careful with the precious load! After discussing what the children thought were in the eggs we looked at the growth of the chick inside the egg, using a range of non-fiction texts. The children then spent shifts looking at the eggs for signs of cracks in anticipation that the eggs would hatch! It didn’t take long though as our first chick hatched early Tuesday morning. Needless to say the children were practically running through the door to see the new member of Early Years! By the end of the week we had a total of 6 chicks. The children have loved having them in school.

We had a drama workshop visit us on Friday and taught us how to be eco friendly superheroes: reduce, reuse & recycle was their motto! They now know how to save the planet from the Bad Bopper!

In maths they explored length and spent their morning looking for things to measure and using language such as longer and shorter.

In literacy the chicks were the main motivation to write! We had children writing about what they could see (eggs and chicks!), how they should behave around the chicks and eggs and the life cycle of a chicken.

Dates for your Diary:

  • Wear it wacky day for CAFOD – Monday 1st April
  • Parent drop in to share children’s journals – Tuesday 2nd April
  • Inset day – Friday 5th April
  • Easter holidays – Monday 8th – Tuesday 23rd April