This Week…

Dear Parents                                                                                                                                             25.06.18

Hello again!

In literacy this week we will be doing our independent ‘rocket job’ as well as completing some more focused work with an adult. As always we will be encouraging the children to write independently in their play. It is lovely to see so many of them keen to write and show us their achievements.
In maths we will be focusing on addition and subtraction problems, solving them in creative ways and thinking about which operation we are using. Is the number going to get bigger or smaller? Are we adding or taking away?
In phonics: we will be continuing phase 4. Remember the link to phonics play if you want to support your child at home in this.

Reminders and requests:

Could we ask again: We will be thinking about the Sacraments in RE this term and would be grateful for any photographs you may have of your child involved in their Baptism, attending a wedding or Confirmation or other special event. Thank you to those of you who have already sent in pictures. We will be looking at these photographs on Wednesday.
Final parent drop in on Friday 29th June at 2.45. Please come along and share your child’s work.
Could we please have your empty washing up liquid bottles for squirting? Please ensure that the squirty lids remain in place! Thank you!
There are still a lot of children not coming to school with a water bottle. Please ensure that this is brought in daily as we are getting through a huge number of plastic cups and are trying to teach the children about looking after our environment. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Early Years Team

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