What a wonderful first full week of school we have had. We are so proud of all the children for settling in so well and adapting to all the new routines. We expect they are very tired after having so much fun learning!
We introduced the story Owl Babies in literacy. The children have been drawing pictures to show how they might feel when they are sad or happy and linking it to how the owls felt when their mummy flew away. We have also been acting like the owls flying around the garden looking for where our mummy might be!
During phonics we have been listening to different sounds and thinking about which animal or instrument would make the sound. We then drew what we thought we could hear.
In maths we have been focusing on numbers 1-3 being able to recognise and make these amounts using different objects.
We have had some parents asking about whether they can visit the school library to collect the must read books. Sadly due to the current situation, we cannot allow parents into school to choose books with their children. However all children will be able to choose a book from a selection bought to them once a week from the librarian. We will let you know if this changes and we can welcome parents in again. Thank you for your understanding.
Please continue to share any home learning your child does with us on Tapestry so we can see the progress they are making.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
From the Early Years Team.