Home Learning From Friday 17th April

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter! We have enjoyed seeing all the fabulous learning on Tapestry that has been going on at home.

Here are your new home learning activities. This includes the rainbow challenges and the phonics learning. Remember to ask your child what phonics group they are in. Just click on the link below to view the home learning activities:

Home Learning 

Here is the link for some Music home learning

Music Home Learning Friday 17th April 2020

Here is the link for some Science home learning

Family Science Activity 17.4.20

Please continue to use all the resources we have provided up until now including Sumdog, where we will be uploading more challenges for your child to take part in.

Twinkl is also an excellent resource for any work sheets you may like to download to support your child’s learning at home.

Keep smiling, stay safe and we will be in touch again soon 🙂

From Mrs Conlon, Miss Deacon, Mrs King, Mrs Aquilina and Mrs Grout.