Home learning from Friday 27th March

Good evening Seahorse and Starfish,

We hope you have had a good a week and have enjoyed your home learning activities! It has been lovely to see so many of you upload your learning to Tapestry. Mrs Conlon, Miss Deacon, Mrs Aquilina and Mrs King have all enjoyed logging on to find out what you have been up to. We have seen some lovely animal creations, from making your collages from stones, grass and flowers to drawing and painting your favourite animals. We have also seen children make cup phones and making repeating patterns when going out for a walk! Such great learning!

Here are your new home learning activities. This includes the rainbow challenges and the phonics learning. Remember to ask your child what phonics group they are in. Just click on the link below to view the home learning activities:

Week 2 – home learning

Please upload any learning to Tapestry.

There is also the opportunity for you to make use of 2 very good educational websites as they have released logins for parents to support learning at home.

  1. www.phonicsplay.co.uk – This will support your child’s learning in phonics. It is something we use at school so the children should be familiar with it. The log in is:  Username: march20   Password: home
  2.  www.twinkl.co.uk/offer –  Twinkl is offering parents a month of free access to support them during this uncertain time. This website has a wealth of activities to support your child’s learning, be sure to press the EYFS tab at the top of the toolbar.  The free access code is: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS


Speak to you soon, From us all in Early Years