Week 5 fun!

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week the children have really enjoyed focusing on the story called Mixed by Arree Chung. They have had fun exploring mixing colours and talking about what their strengths and weaknesses are.

Here are some photos of their learning from this week:

Here is some home learning we would like you to focus on over the weekend and coming week:

This week the children have started to learn phase 2 sounds. The sounds they have learnt this week are s, a, t, p. Please make use of the videos and resources we have uploaded to Tapestry to help support your child at home with practising these sounds daily. Use the flashcards your child has been given in their back for your child to recognise and think of words beginning with that sound. We also ask your child practises forming each of the letters using the work sheets we have sent home with them.
Phase 1 phonics is still being taught alongside phase 2 so please continue to listen to those sounds in the environment as well as singing nursery rhymes.

Your child has been given new books on the Collins eBook website so please enjoy these with your child. Rememeber we ask that you make a note in their home reading diary of the home learning they do at home so we can see what your child is engaging with.

We have now been learning all about the number two Encourage your child to show you what this number looks like. Can they show you on their fingers? Can they collect objects? Can they use the vocabulary one more to explain the number two?
The children have also been looking at patterns. Encourage your child to notice pattern on materials- spots/stripes/animal print. How are they the same? How do they look different?

With the weather starting to change now, please ensure you bring in a pair of named wellington boots to leave at school so your child can have full access of the garden.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Do ask us any questions that you may have; we are always happy to help

From The Early Years Team