Monthly Archives: December, 2020

Christmas fun!

This week in maths we have been focusing on shape. The children have enjoyed cutting shapes to create snowmen, presents and angels.
They have also been playing ICT games to complete shape patterns.
Here are some photos from their learning:

In phonics the children have been applying the sounds they have been taught so far in phase 2 and 3 to write sentences. Here are some photos of their learning:

The children have also enjoyed taking part in lots of Christmas craft activities. Here are some photos of their learning:

The children had a great time watching the Pantomime. Here are some photos of the fun:

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break. Best wishes for the new year.
From the Early Years team

Christmas fun

The children have really enjoyed listening to the Snow Bear story. The children re told the story through pictures and wrote sentences to help the bear to find his way back home to his mum. They also had a visit from a reindeer overnight which they found such fun watching back.
Here are some examples of their great work:

In maths we have been learning all about repeating patterns. The children really enjoyed creating their own in different ways. Here are some examples of their learning:


In RE the children learnt all about the meaning of Advent and how we celebrate it. They chose to create their own candles during discovery time. Here are some photos of their creations:

The children also had a visit from a drama teacher who engaged them in some imaginative activities about fairy tales. The children really enjoyed following her lead. Here are some photos from the fun they had:

Christmas jumper day:

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the Early Years Team.

Advent has begun

This week we have really enjoyed practising and performing our nativity. All the the children have worked so hard on remembering their speaking parts, the actions to the songs and acting on the stage. They all looked fabulous in their costumes too. Huge well done to all the children and their families too for their support in preparing for this. Here are some photos of the stars of the show:

We also had a visit from the Elf this week. The children were so excited to find a box left in our classroom with the elf hiding in it and a note from Santa. The children all enjoyed writing a list to give to the elf to pass on to Santa.
Here are some examples of their fantastic writing:

In maths the children have been busy finding one less and adding different amounts independently during discovery time.                     Here are some photos of their learning:

In phonics the children have been writing captions for photos using the sounds that they are familiar with in phase 2.
Here are some photos of the learning they are most proud of this week:

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

From the year R team.