A visit from the bear!

This week the children have really enjoyed coming into class to see that a bear had been to visit! They noticed a cave and footprints that had been left so began asking lots of questions and making suggestions as to why he may have visited. We then shared the story “Wakey wakey big brown bear.” The children found a letter that the animals in the story had written asking for us to help write a list of things which we need to collect over and autumn and winter for the bear to see when he wakes in spring. Here are some examples of the children’s writing as well as photos of them exploring the cave:

In maths the children have enjoyed creating fireworks pictures. They cut stars, wrote numbers on them and then drew the correct amount of sparks off each star to match the numeral. The children also talked about one more and one less than a given number. They also showed this through playing a game. Here are some photos of their learning:

In phonics we have taught the sounds g, o, c. Please practice saying these sounds at home and writing them as well as the previous sounds we have sent home.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From the early years team.