Our learning for week 4
Last week we had a treasure hunt, here are a few pictures of our maps and the treasure we had to find… did you go on a treasure hunt at home?
This week we have been using people on a bus to add and subtract amounts.
To challenge our maths addition Miss Deacon made us a bucket addition where where we threw two balls into buckets and had to work out our score. We had numicon to help us!
We have also enjoyed building boats out of junk and paper to see how they float. We have then worked together to improve our creations if they sunk. We used problem solving skills to change and adapt.
For 30 days wild this week we collected natural treasure and used it to make faces! The children loved exploring the field whilst they did this!
We have also enjoyed drawing our shadows in the sunshine and watching how they change as the sun moves around in the day.
We have looked at the story of Hansel and Gretel, mapping out the story and challenging ourselves to write about it!
Finally we looked at habitats, paying particular close attention to the rain forest habitat, we learnt lots of new facts! We also learnt about the type of animals that live in the rain forest and created our own rain forest collage for our animals! They look brilliant!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
From the year R team.
Home Learning 26th June 2020
Here is next week’s home learning:
Maths, English and foundation learning
Additional learning
Family Science Activity 26.6.20
Week 5- The Wolf
Listen to this short piece of music and find a picture of a French horn.
How does this music make you feel?
What kind of character do you think the wolf is?
Can you draw a picture of him?
Home Learning 19th June 2020
Here is this weeks home learning:
Maths, English and Foundation planning:
Additional learning:
Learning for Week 3
This week we have enjoyed playing with the dinosaurs in the tuff tray and creating a swamp for them out of natural resources. We found lots of woodlice amongst the leaves and had a conversation about their habitats.
We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in maths. We have been looking for shapes within our environment and colouring shape pictures.
We then explored the real 3D shapes and even remembered some of their names!
In PE we played a new game called video recorder, when we shouted play the children had to walk, fast forward they had to run and rewind they had to walk backwards… when we called out record they had to pull a funny face! Here are a few funny faces from Seahorse class!
For 30 days wild this week the children had a go at making daisy chains, it was very fiddly but they tried very hard and most importantly had fun!
Some junk modelling, children made transport models. They were brillaint!
Finally, as an extra challenge some children grasped the concept of time. We learnt a rhyme… “When the big hand is at the top, that means its o’clock!”
We’ve seen some great learning this week, we wonder what learning will take place next week!
Learning for Week 2
This week we have enjoyed watching the Sandiego Zoo web cam and talking about the habitats of the different animals.
During discovery time we have been reading splatting tricky words with water and then reading them to our friends. We have also built some vehicles with the Mobilo, practised our cutting skills and completed colour by numbers activity sheets.
For our 30 days wild activity we went onto the field and searched for creepy crawlies. We dug around in the leaves and soil to see what we could find. When we found a creature we talked about how it moved and compared it to others. We found a red spider, woodlouse and ants.
In English the children retold the story of the three little pigs and in maths they were making teen numbers in lots of different ways.
The children also enjoyed making their own vehicles and places of work out of junk modelling.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
From the year R team.
Home Learning 12th June 2020
Here is the phonics planning for this week with resources:
English, Maths and Foundation Learning
Resources to support this week’s learning:
Music Learning
RE Learning
12.06.20 RE Pentecost Mission task
Science Learning
Family Science Activity 12.6.20
Art Learning
Home Learning 5th June 2020
Welcome to the second half of the Summer Term.
Here is the phonics planning for this week with resources:
Maths, English and Foundation Learning
Resources to help with learning:
Music Home learning:
Music Home Learning Friday 5th June 2020
Science Home learning:
Family Science Activity 5.6.20
Art Home learning:
Art challenge Read all about it
Learning from week 1
We have completed our first week back during these uncertain times. School is a bit different but we have had some great learning and smiles this week. We hope those who are at home are enjoying the new learning opportunities and are smiling throughout the day. We would like to share a few things we have been up to this week.
In maths we have been learning how to share objects equally between themselves and a toy… just like you have been at home!
During discovery time this week we have played with mobilo, animals, lego and inter stars.
We took part in 30 Days Wild this week and challenged the children to draw something wild.
Here is some of the work the children did:
We also talked and wrote about what we want to be when we grow up. Here is some of the work the children did:
Have a great weekend.
From the Year R team.
Welcome back!
If you are back to school may we remind you that children are not to bring in bags from home. They should come to school only with their water bottle, jumper/cardigan and sun hat (if appropriate).
Children who are in Year R are eligible for free hot dinners, this is still the case. Children do not need to bring in a packed lunch as Mrs Gray, our cook, will cook them a delicious hot dinner on site.
This week the menu is:
Tuesday – Roast mini-sausages OR Quorn sausage
Thursday – Meatballs in tomato sauce with pasta OR Quorn balls in tomato sauce with pasta
Friday – Fish cake and chips OR Vegetable burger and chips
PE tomorrow
Hi All,
If you joined us in school today we hope you had a lovely first day back. If you are at home learning we hope you have enjoyed the tasks we have set you 🙂
If you are at school tomorrow it is PE in the afternoon so please can the children come to school in their PE kit. PE will always be on a Tuesday afternoon.
If you’re at home maybe you could do a Joe Wicks PE video on YouTube.
Keep up the good work and keep smiling 😁