Home Learning Friday 8th May

Hello Year R,

We hope you have been enjoying the sun the last few days!

Here is the home learning for next week.
This includes: Art, RE and Science. Please remember we do not expect you to do all the activities with your child as we are aware it is a lot. These are just different ideas to help engage your child with different aspects of the curriculum as much as possible. Again take your child’s lead if they find an interest in something at home and lead the learning from that to help keep them more focused with it. However, the children must participate in the Literacy, Maths and Phonics learning every week.

Many thanks for all the hard work you are putting in with your child’s learning at home. We have really enjoyed seeing lots being put on Tapestry.

Week 4- rainbow challenges

Phonics Week 4 Summer


ear – phoneme spotter story

oi – phoneme spotter-story

ow-phoneme spotter story


j,v,w,x,y,z,zz Read and Race Game

Roll and Read J

Roll and Read V

Roll and Read W

Roll and Read X

Roll and Read Y

Roll and Read zz


oa – Phoneme Spotter Story

ai – phoneme spotter story

ee – phoneme spotter story

igh – phoneme spotter story

ai,ee and igh-circle that word

Below are the art challenge set by Mrs Pearson, the science challenge and some RE learning.

Art Challenge

Family Science Activity Friday 8th May

Pentecost homework RE

Phonics learning and the rainbow challenges are also posted on Tapestry.

Have a wonderful week.

From the Early Years Team