We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. The children have settled back into routine so well and have been working so hard.
We have started our Mini beasts topic by looking at the book Superworm. The children have enjoyed writing ‘wow words’ to describe the bugs in the story as well as designing their own bug and giving it a name.
In maths we have been looking at comparing amounts by saying which has ‘fewer’ which has ‘more’. The children have been able to use this language during discovery time and explain what it means. Please carry on this at home perhaps when doing the shopping looking at different bags of fruit or veg.
The children have also started in their new phonics groups. They have been given a book suitable for their reading ability and the sounds they are currently focusing on. If your child receives a book that they have already had please continue to read the book as it will build on their fluency.
Our year group liturgy is on Tuesday 21st January at 10.30am in the school hall. All families are welcome to join.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
From the year R team.