Monthly Archives: December, 2019


This week we have continued to look at what Advent is all about and why we celebrate it. The children chose to make their own Advent candles to put onto our prayer tables.

We have also been having looking at numberless word problems. The children have been looking at an amount of objects and talking about what they see. For example a box of 8 baubles the children have been telling us “I can see 7 baubles plus another bauble that makes 8.” “I can see 2 shiny baubles, 2 red baubles and 2 sparkly baubles that makes 6.”

We have also been recapping the phase 2 sounds and making CVC words in writing as well as practising reading CVC words. Please continue to practise this at home.

Have a lovely weekend

From the Year R team.

Our Nativity!

Huge well done to all the Year R children on their nativity performances. They did exceptionally well at remembering their lines, singing the songs with actions and all the acting they had to do on stage. We are all very proud of them. Thank you to all the families that came and supported them; the children were so pleased to see you all.

For their writing this week, the children have enjoyed writing letters to Santa. They then had a visit from a postwoman who promised to deliver the letters to Santa in the North Pole. All the children are hoping for a reply letter from him!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

From the Year R team.