It’s Easter
Easter is finally upon us, we hope that the families from early years have a relaxing and well deserved break.
The Spring term has been full of excitement and special visitors for the children. They have worked super hard, really showing us how they can use their phonics and number skills.
In the last week of term Miss Keogh visited us for Stations of the cross. She told us that Jesus visited stations on his journey to be crucified. The children were surprised by the journey Jesus took to be crucified and full of awe that he died for us. To remember the journey that Jesus took we made twig crosses, which are now displayed in school Reception.
Parents and carers also joined us for a learning journal meet and share. Children told their family members about their favourite moments and what they were most proud of.
On the last day of term children had an Easter craft day! They made chocolate nests, cards and baskets to collect their Easter eggs in. Seahorses even had an Easter egg hunt!
We wish you a Happy Easter and will see you on 23rd April when school returns.