It has arrived!

In the last 2 weeks we have stepped up the festiveness! Year R have made some lovely crafts and keepsakes for Christmas 2018.

Last week we also had Christmas jumper day, we saw some amazing jumpers, ones that lit up, cool Santa Claus’ and even a full elf costume!

The children had an early Christmas lunch, as on Tuesday the whole school sat down for a traditional Christmas dinner with Christmas carols – a huge thank you to the ladies in the kitchen who made it!

A little Christmas treat arrived for the children in the form of a Pantomime. Treehouse theatre company gave us a brilliant performance of Robin hood. The children thoroughly enjoyed watching and joining in!

Remember it is an inset day on Friday 21st December and the start of the Christmas holidays. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and enjoy your time off to catch up on family time and sleep! We look forward to seeing you all refreshed in the New Year.

Merry Christmas from the Early Years Team.

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