weekly letter

Dear Parents                                                                                                                12.10.18

Next week we will be learning…

Maths: we are using cooking as a hook for maths, looking at capacity and the language which goes with it such as ‘full’, ‘empty’ and ‘half-full’. We will be making (and eating) porridge with the children!

Literacy: In literacy we will be developing our ideas of the structure of story and sequencing from last week. We will be getting the children to develop their own stories, thinking of beginning, middle and end of the story as well as character and setting. See if your child can make up their own stories at home. We will be scribing the story for them and then acting some of them out!

Phonics: Next week we will be looking at the sounds ‘i,n,m and d’, learning the synthetic sound and actions to go with them. We hope that you have found the action sheet and sound cards useful in supporting your child at home. We are also sending home handwriting sheets. Don’t worry if your child is not yet ready for these. They act as a guide for you as to how we will be teaching the children to write the letters and for those who are ready/want to have a go!


Some useful information!!


  • A parents meeting about phonics will take place at30 on Tuesday 20th November. Please come along so that you can hear how we will be teaching phonics in the coming weeks.
  • We will be going to the library on 21st November. Please see the letter enclosed. We would be really grateful for some parent helpers. There is lots of time to get your DBS check if you would like to support us. Please go and see the office to discuss it with them.
  • Please remember to return any news orders for photos and Christmas card pictures and orders as soon as possible.
  • Please let us know as soon as possible if you have still not received the Tapestry notification. We would really like to move over to this form of communication after half term. Thank you for you cooperation.


Thank you


The Early Years team

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