Weekly Letter

Dear Parents                                                                                                                05.10.18

Next week we will be learning….

Maths: In maths next week we will be focusing on 2D shape. We will be talking about the different properties of the shapes e.g how many straight or curved sides or points each shape has and their names. We will be making pictures from shapes etc. To support this learning we will be making sandwiches and cutting them into rectangles, squares, circles and triangles. If there is anything we need to know re allergies that you have not already told us please let us know. We will be using dairy free spread, jam or marmite with a  choice of white or brown bread.

Literacy: In literacy we will be looking at sequencing, linking to this weeks ‘Going on a bear hunt’ story and to this weeks maths theme of making a sandwich. What did we do first, next and last? How about making some sandwiches at home and talking to the children about the shapes and sequence of actions?

Phonics: Next week we will be starting to learn the letter sounds. In the welcome meeting we will talk a little more about this. We will be looking at the sounds ‘s,a,t and p’, learning the synthetic sound and actions to go with them. The children will come home with the sounds we are learning in an A5 wallet so that you can support them in what they are learning in school, and this will be added to each week.


Some useful information!!


  • As a reminder the welcome meeting for parents is on Monday 8th Miss Deacon, the new teacher for Seahorses class is looking forward to meeting you all.
  • A parents meeting about phonics will take place at30 on Monday 8th October. Please come along so that you can hear how we will be teaching phonics in the coming weeks.
  • Please can we remind you that the school has a no nuts policy as we have some severely allergic children and staff. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • You may be interested to know that you can organise a birthday lunch for your child at school. The catering staff serve pizza and ice cream or similar and your child can invite 7 friends to share the lunch at a specially laid table. Please enquire at the office if you are interested.


Thank you


The Early Years team


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