Monthly Archives: July, 2018

WB 9.7.18

Dear Parents                                                                                                                                              09.07.18

Hello again!


  • The end of term is fast approaching! This week sees us begin to get ready for year 1. The children will spend the afternoon on Monday in their new classes. We hope that they were excited to tell you all about their stay with their new teacher on Friday afternoon. On Tuesday we are involved in a dance workshop and Wednesday afternoon sees us all heading to Oaklands where we will watch the year 6 production of Annie with the whole school. Friday sees the children spend the whole day in their new classes.

Reminders and requests:


  • As usual: named hats, water bottle and sun block applied before they come into school please!
  • Thank you very much to all of you who have sent in your library books. Please could we have the last couple of stragglers so that Mrs D can finalise her stock take. Thank you. Your child will be allowed to borrow a book over the summer.
  • Multicultural Party: This will take place on Wednesday afternoon (18th). We ask that you make something with your child to celebrate their culture e.g. Irish soda bread, Japanese seaweed. Please send your child’s contribution in a named Tupperware on the morning of the 18th. No nuts or nut products please.


The Early Years Team