Welcome back!

This week has seen us starting our new topic focusing in the book ‘We’re going on a bear hunt.’  The children found some paw prints on Monday morning and were very excited about trying to find the bear. We have learnt the book using actions and props and have even been outside onto the grass and trees to reenact the story.



The children have also been writing little books about the story and are really showing that they understand about the structure of the book. Next week we will be drawing some story maps to help us sequence the story. ( See if you can spot the caterpillars in this photo too! We are hoping hey will grow into butterflies soon!)

Thank you to this dog you who have returned the trip slips and money. Please come and see us if there are any problems. We look forward to going in just over a week!

Off to St Peters Fest now. Hope to see lots of you there!

The early years team.

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