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5SC Swimming Pictures

Just a small snippet of 5SC swimming lessons . They all had fantastic fun and learnt lots of swimming techniques! 

Our Book Reviews! 


Check out our book reviews! Cassowary have been working hard reviewing their favourite and not so favourite reads.

Kookaburra class, feel free to upload yours! Just copy the link or scan the qr code to add yours!

Welcome back!

Hello everyone,

Welcome back, we hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed some well deserved rest. The children have come back raring to go!

In English, we have begun our new unit ‘Macbeth’ and the children are already very engaged! We started by looking at the opening scenes script, discussing the different devices the author had used. We then had a go at acting it out, then creating a picture (just like a stage director) of what the stage would look like and lastly adding strong vocabulary to describe the scene. We are very excited to see what happens next!

Next week in maths, we are starting our time unit and looking at the conversions/intervals of time. We have started our Christmas unit in RE with our key question ‘ How can the circumstances of Jesus’ birth inspire our actions today’. Other new topics include, coasts, swimming, crime and punishment, singing lessons.


Just a friendly reminder –

  • Homework is due on Thursdays. This includes vocab, spellings, online maths and maths paper task.
  • 5SC will continue with their swimming lessons on a Wednesday for this half term.
  • PE will continue on Thursdays.
  • Reading journals are due every 2 weeks. The next reading journal is due 20th January 2023.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Year 5 Team


A Christmas Music Performance

Our last week of this autumn term begun with a end of term performance after learning the ukuele. The children have worked so hard to learn different notes, chords, picking, strumming and reading and compositing music. They played a selection of songs such as Picadilly Circus and Land of the Silver Birch and also gave renditions of Jingle Bells and a Christmas version of Frere Jacques before ending the concert with Rocking all over the World.

Reminders for the first week of Spring Term 2023

Changes to Y5 timetable for Spring 1 Term – Library session will now be on a Tuesday and a new reading passport will be issued for spring term.

PE – 5SC swimming on a Wednesday afternoon until February half term.

No English and Maths homework has been set in the homework books over Christmas. There is Sumdog and TT rockstars available if you wish your child to keep going with maths skills. We would encourage daily reading to maintain fluency for our next guided reading novel. A book review is due for the first week back.


We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a restful break.

We’ll look forward to seeing the children again on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

The Year 5 Team


Parachute Experiment!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are well. The children have been extremely busy this week with all their learning. We have studied influential women who changed the world to prepare us when writing our biographies in English. In Maths, we have been working hard exploring equivalent fractions using visual representations and our times table facts.

In Science, we have been conducting numerous experiments to study forces. Last weeks, we studied Nancy Wake- a war hero – and created a parachute just like hers. We wanted to test what would happen  if the enemies tried to shot her parachute down. This helped us understand air resistance and surface area.

A few polite reminders –

  • Friday 2nd December is World Cup football day. Most children have signed up to this so please ensure they are sent into school wearing their PE kits and trainers.
  • Homework which includes vocabulary, spelling and maths is due on Thursday 8th December.
  • Friday 9th December is Christmas Jumper day (jumpers, accessories, tops)
  • Monday 12th December at 2.15pm is the Year 5 ukulele concert which parents are warmly invited to.

We hope you have  wonderful weekend,

Year 5 team

Human Dignity and Solidarity in Year 5

We finished our Catholic Social teaching unit this week with posters that conveyed the messages of the unit – Human Dignity, Participation, Option for the Poor and Solidarity. We used parables to show us how Jesus treated the marginalised groups in society including disabilities, poverty, homelessness, immigrants.

We even had Abigail show us how she used the messages of the unit to complete a sponsored walk around Portsea Island in aid of a Brain Cancer charity and raised over £1200.  Well done Abigail!

Reminders for next week:

Whole School Advent service – Tuesday 29th November – at Sacred Heart Church. Please provide a coat for sudden downpours, if rain is forecasted.

Homework due in Thursday as normal. Sumdog and TT Rockstars to practice and if your child has not brought in a book review this week, please ensure that they bring a book review in this Thursday. Thank you.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 Team


Hello everyone

We hope you are well and are enjoying the week. The children have been busy with their persuasive writing plans and are now on drafting and editing. They have focused on the planet Pandora where the Navi live. They are creating a persuasive leaflet to entice tourists to visit the extra-terrestrial world!

A few polite reminders –

  • Parents evenings will be held next week on Tuesday 22nd November and Wednesday 23rd November. Please check your timings on Scopay. We look forward to seeing you.
  • Homework is due on Thursday 24th November. Please ensure your child is completing their sumdog homework as we are having low submissions of work.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Year 5

A step back in time… Year 5’s history day at Fort Nelson.


Fort Nelson links with World War 2 where you can do all types of activities there. You even get to watch people hold guns! What makes this place special is that you can see canons and the people dress up just like World War 2 Captains.

You get a really good tour of most things there especially in the tunnels. You get to see guns and you can hear and see the air raid siren. It’s really fun there and all the kids love it when the adults are dressed up and role playing.

By Evie and Freya


When we arrived at Fort Nelson, we met a home guard and joined the air raid precaution. During one of our activities, we heard a practise air raid siren. In another, we saw a real rifle and then we practised with a wooden rifle. We got to try and name planes to spot if they were friends or enemies. We got to find out what to do when someone was hurt and how to put a fire out in the 1940s. At the end of the day, we got to choose what division we wanted to work for like the Home Guard, Auxiliary Territorial Service or Air Raid Precaution.

By Matthew and Abigail

Today we went to Fort Nelson (9th November). We explored the jobs that WW2 citizens would do in everyday life.  These voluntary jobs were in the ARP, standing for Air Raid Precaution, HOME GUARD and finally, the ATS standing for the Auxiliary Territorial Service. All of these jobs were very important. This was a great opportunity and experience to learn so much about WW2 and it would be so fun and unforgettable. Personally we enjoyed being with our friends and really playing the role of a WW2 volunteer. We also got to go into the tunnels and a projector showed all of the aircraft which we had to guess which one was friend or foe and lots more fun activties.

Rosie and Isabella.

Fort Nelson trip

“The trip to Fort Nelson was spectacular. We got to do lots of activities and got the opportunity to go under the fort into the tunnels”

“There were a lot of things to explore and we found out a lot more about World War Two. I would recommend this place very much.”

Hattie and Feodora


At the end of the day when all the points were added up, it was very close with only 1 point between most teams.

However, the winning squadron was FOX SQUADRON from 5SC.

A great day was had by everyone!!


First week back!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are well and enjoyed the half term. The children have come back focused and ready to learn. We have been busy with multiplication in maths, starting our new unit ‘Pandora’ in English in which we focused on persuasive language and have been busy with RE, Science and our school Liturgy.

In DT, we began to explore paint and other tools on the computer to help us with our designs of our evacuation satchels (CAD). We are very excited to print these onto transfer paper and add them to our work.

Polite reminders –

  • Homework (including Sumdog and Times Table rockstars soundcheck) is due next Thursday.
  • Year 5-6 Mass is happening on Tuesday 8th November. Parents are welcome.
  • Fort Nelson trip is happening on Wednesday 9th November. Please send children into school in school uniform and appropriate weather wear and foot wear. Also please send in a pack lunch.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Year 5 team.

Evacuation Day!

Year 5 went back to 1939.


We dressed in World War II type clothing and completed our look with gas mask boxes, ID cards, ration cards and evacuation tags.

We spent the day learning about the role of propaganda during the war; designing our own evacuation posters while also experiencing an air raid or two! We were asked regularly to prove who we were by showing our identity cards or risk spending time being questioned by a policeman.

At lunchtime, we had to use our ration coupons to collect our WWII lunch of corn beef hash with potatoes and carrots. Mrs Crockford and her team provided the lunch and dressed in the style of 1940’s women. In the afternoon, we were visited by Jerome who let us explore many WWII artefacts. Mrs McKenzie then taught us WWII music on the ukulele.

At the end of the day, parents came in to the ‘evacuation hall’ to decide which evacuee they wanted to take home with them. It was a long wait for some of us…