This week we celebrated sporting success with Maddie’s synchro swim team coming 2nd in a national competition in Sheffield and Chloe celebrating the end of a successful football season with a Player’s Player award. Congratulations to them and to all those who have taken part in a sporting team this year.
5SC added the final touches to their history work depicting the ancient Egyptian myths of Osirus, Isis, Seth and Horus.
Final weekly reminders for Year 5:
No home learning has been set this week, so is completed for this year – thank you to you all for encouraging your child to practise and consolidate their weekly learning and reading as this has had a real impact on their progress in school.
Reading using the Sora website/app will be available over the holidays and the children have been encouraged to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge through their local library.
End of the summer term – Thursday 20th July at 1.30pm
Enjoy your weekend,
The Year 5 Team