Anyone for samosas?

This week saw Year 5 complete their D.T cookery project linked with our Geography country topic of India. We had previously researched ingredients used in Indian cookery, conducted a sensory session to identify spices and food that we wanted to include in our samosa and salad and designed our samosa and mango chat salad.  On Tuesday, we made and tasted our Indian samosas and salads. Everyone really enjoyed the experience and learned a lot about how much chilli powder they should or should not include!!!


Homework has resumed this week. Maths has been set on Sumdog and both Maths and English has been stuck into home learning journals. Due as normal on Thursday 16th June. No book review is due next week.

PE kits worn on Wednesday 15th June for CM Sports session.

Parent book look will be happening on Monday 13th June from 3.30-4.30pm in the Year 5 classrooms. You will be able to accompany your child to their classroom to share their work with you from Year 5. Please note that teaching staff will not be available in these sessions but is an opportunity for you to celebrate the learning and progress over the year of your child.

Father’s Day Sale will take place on Wednesday 15th June in school and will follow a similar format to the Mother’s Day sale. A postcard with details was sent home with your child yesterday. Please send money in a purse or named envelope to avoid money being lost.

Enjoy your week.

The Year 5 Team

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